Chapter 6: Change of Plans

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Chapter 6: Change of Plans

Pip sat on his floor, his back against the wall as his eyes never left Damien, who sat on the bed eyeing him back oddly. "You have been strangely quiet, Pip." Damien groans, looking up at the ceiling. "If you are worrying still about the school, then don't. I am sure they have it under control." He tells the blonde. Though that didn't stop Pip from the silent treatment he was giving the demon. Damien looked at Pip once more then sighed. "Okay okay, alright!" He floated off the bed, hovering over to Pip who looked up at him. "I apologize for the destruction of your learning building, but look at the pro cons here, Pip. You don't have to be so busy with that paper with problems on it!" Damien says. "Homework, Damien." Pip corrects the Antichrist, who seemed taken a back from his comment. "People could be hurt because of you. I do not understand much of your needs and wants, Damien. I just want to understand." Pip looks down. The other eyed him then he sighed loudly. "Oh human! Did you forget that I, Damien thorn, am the Son Of Satan himself? The Antichrist? Did you know that something so sinister could have an even more sinister duplicate of their offspring?" Damien crosses his arms and raised an eyebrow at Pip who looked at him. "I suppose you are correct, on that one Damien." Pip says, Damien grinning with a nod. "Let's also consider the fact that my father is a huge big mash of stupid! How dare he be that way?" Damien turned. The blonde couldn't stop the giggle that escaped his lips. It would seem Damiens' complaints about his father have always been a liking to Pip. He loves to listen to the Antichrist rant more than anything in the world, it amuses him surprisingly. "Have you seen those kids who smoke behind the building of education? They are total asshats!" Damien groaned. Pip smiled brightly. "Oh, the goth kids." The blonde nods. "Yes! Them!" He crossed his arms, floating over the bed with an angry expression. "Fucking hell, they piss me off. The one with red in his hair called me a fag! I wanted to curse him to the deepest part of hell!" Damien clenched his fists. Pip stood up and he walked towards the demon, grabbing his hands softly in his own. "Pip? What are you doing?" Damien growls, eyeing the boy with his red cat eyes. "Oh, nothing. I just want you to calm down before you start burning my house down." The blonde says, a chuckle following after. Damien rolled his eyes. "I will not burn your house down. That would be rude of me. Though I had it in mind." He smirked at Pip, whose eyes widen in sudden fear. "Wipe that expression from your face, I was only kidding." He tells the blonde who calmed down. "You see, I find your house quite ordinary from the other rich shitting houses in this town." Damien explains, eyeing the Brit who glanced at him. "How so?" Pip asks. The Antichrist only grinned at his question, taking his hands away from the others' hands, floating over to the room door where he opened it without lifting a finger. Pip follows the Antichrist who floated out into the hallway. "I mean, you don't have what the other mortals would have in their house! Where is the light that turns on?" He wonders, floating down the hall. Pip follows, not saying much but simple nods.
Damien and Pip wander downstairs, where Damien would point out the items Pip was either missing or didn't have at all. That made the blonde a tad upset, due to him not being the richest person in South Park. Maybe that could be another reason on why people didn't like Pip very much.
     "Kid." Damien turned to Pip, who looked up at him with his eyes widening. "You are different from the others, and that is what I find delicious." Damien says with a grin and a lick of his lips. The blonde felt his cheeks heat up in response to the Son Of Satans' comment, holding his hands against his cheeks. "Y-You're too kind to be the Son of Satan." Young Phillip spoke, still a bit shocked. The Antichrist tilted his head at the boy, raising an eyebrow and biting his lip. "You are. I know what you are, but I don't think you should be following that title." Pip says to the demon, who frowned a bit.
       "I just.." Pip was caught by surprise when the Demon was pressing him against the closest wall, his red eyes piercing through the others' baby angel blue like eyes. "I'm a monster, and you shouldn't be with someone like that. The Antichrist is a damn disgrace in the Bible and every other god damn Christian books. I'm evil, pure evil." He frowned at Pip whose expression changed from shock to fear. "I don't see it." Pip said after a short while of it being silent. Damien eyed the blonde once more, seeing that he had a smile worn on his face. He felt his cheeks heat up in response. "You're a wonder, Phillip." Damien said. "It disgusts me." He adds, floating back over the bed. Pip blinks multiple times in confusion. "So is that supposed to be a compliment, Damien?" He asks the Raven. Damien's red piercing eyes glance over at the Brit, and his lips curl upward, a chuckle escaping them. "Maybe. That's only up to you, Mortal." Damien answers, tilting his head a little at the smaller blonde. "Righto." Pip answers.
      The two spent the rest of their day chatting, and for Damien it was stupid. He likes destruction on others, and nothing else. Though if he were honest, talking to Pip actually felt nice. Pip ordered in pizza, and when it arrived he didn't have the money for the delivery man, who seemed a bit confused and angered by this. "You made me drive through this red neck of a town, only for me to not get paid?!" The man growled, clenching his grip tightly on the pizza box. Pip seemed overly embarrassed, and he bowed his head to not look at the guy. Thankfully though, he had the Antichrist on his side. Damien ended up scaring the guy away in his car due to his scary features. Pip was a bit irritated by this, though Damien was just glad he could have something to eat.
     They sat on the floor by the living room coffee table with the pizza box resting on the surface. "Have you ever ate Pizza before, Damien?" The brit asked, watching Damien open the box. "Of course I have. It's just not like..this." Damien frowned at the pizza. Pip ordered Pineapple on his pizza, since that was his favorite kind. Damien wasn't used to human Pizza, so the smell kind of bothered him when he inhaled it. "So..greasy." Damien pinched his nose, hissing at the food. "Oh Damien, my apologizes!" Pip says with a slight chuckle. It was funny, how they both are different, but oh so similar, it made Pip a bit scared for himself! The poor blonde wasn't sure how to comfort the Antichrist as he went on about how Pizza in Hell was served with flesh instead of cheese on it, and had eyes for the replacement of Pips' faggy sliced pineapples.
"My deepest apologizes, Damien, but we don't have those kinds of foods up here." Pip says to the other who huffed with his arms crossed. "You mortals don't understand good taste in food!" The Antichrist was pissed. Pip sighed in disappointment, bowing his head. "But, I will try it." Damien spoke suddenly, Pip looking up at the Demon with shock. "Only because I didn't want to have to deal with you leaking fluids out from your eyeballs." Damien growled, grabbing the pizza by the crust. Pip smiled and his cheeks heat up, and he couldn't help but to giggle at Damien's way of defining the word 'crying'. "Oh Damien.." Pip smiled cheerfully at the boy, not seeming to be grossed out by the way Damien hung the slice of pizza over his head, chomping into it. He sure had a way of eating properly, Pip commented to himself. "Alright, it's not bad." Damien said, his mouth still chewing which made Pip flinch a little in disgust. "My goodness Damien. It's only polite if you talked after you digest your food!" He cried. Damien eyed the Brit suspiciously, seeming to be a bit confused with what Pip said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Damien asks him, tilting his head as he swallowed the shredded pieces of his pizza. Pip rolls his eyes. "Pip, I am the Antichrist. I am anything but polite. Have you forgotten already?" Damien wonders. The other sighed. "I suppose so, but, please don't be so disgusting. I have a weakness for that." Pip smiled a bit at the other who only said 'fuck it' before taking another piece of the pizza into his mouth. Pip sighed once more, standing up before he stretched his arms up. "This is so greasy, Pip. I do not understand why there is so much of it!" Damien cries out in annoyance. Oh bother, Pip thought. "Well, Damien. You see, it's how it is with Pizza I assume. No bother there." Pip gave the Antichrist a small smile, where as the demon only rolled his eyes. "Don't smile at me. It's quite creepy." He comments, looking away from the British boy who giggled. "Oh silly Damien! A smile is nothing to be creeped out about! Besides, you have red cat eyes and your skin is pale, I would advise you to take a look in the mirror for once, then you'll see what's creepy." Pip crossed his arms. The raven haired demon glanced up at the blonde and frowned even more. It annoyed him how someone could be so right, then again he was wrong too. "Oh Pip, you silly mortal." Damien stood up onto his feet, stepping towards the smaller male. "I am the Antichrist, I cannot see myself in a mirror even if I desired it. I don't see the point in looking at myself, I know what I will expect." Damien tells Pip, who nodded. "Righto." He says to the other with a cheerful smile. "My deepest apologizes."
      Damien rolled his eyes and lifted himself from the floor before floating into the kitchen. Pip follows, curious to see what Damien was up to this time. "Say, Damien. May I ask what you're doing?" The blonde asks. He watched as Damien grabbed a knife from the counter and turned to face the blonde whose face went pale. "You see, I am but an image of myself." He ran the tip of the blade across his skin, black blood leaking but it soon disappearing. "I am the son of all which is evil, I cannot be killed." He tells Pip. "Immortality must be fun at times I wonder." Pip thought aloud. Damien only chuckled. "It is worse than you humans ever dream of. For instance, I will live to watch the world change every day, and nothing will destroy me. Only if Satan wanted to, but I doubt my sad excuse of a father would discard me from his arms. I am what he once was, and I will soon be gladly to take over. I would be an excellent ruler." He smirked. "My father will loathe me soon enough, he will wish he was me." Damien spoke. It grew quiet between the two.
     "S-So, if you became ruler.." Pip dragged on. "Could you help me take away the demons that have confined me in a scary dream?" He asks the Son Of Satan who grinned. "Of course, I will love to." Damien answers. It was quiet again. Pip spoke up, however. He was curious now. "And if you were to become ruler, what would you desire most for this world?" He asks. The Antichrist sat on the counter and eyed the blondes' body, the way it trembled a bit made Damien smile in amusement. "I will want nothing more than to have my way, and I will burn every building and torture every sinner who falls into my world beneath. But as for you, Pip?" the Antichrist met eyes with Pips' baby blue ones that were filled with wonder and stars. "You will be by my side, and I will keep you alive. You will have it easy unlike most of my slaves." He answers Pip. Well, that felt a little reassuring, Pip thought. He smiled a bit. "That's the first someone has taken it easy on me." He spoke, his voice a bit shaky. Damien only lifted his shoulders. "I do not understand why you're so kind to me." Pip hung his head. Damien huffed. "I am not what you call, 'kind'." He spoke. The Antichrist stood up and allowed himself to float from the floor to where his feet and the floor were only inches apart. "The only kindness I shall give is to allow someone to die a quick death." He commented. Pip glanced at the Raven haired demon. "But you have not put a finger on me yet. You could have easily killed me if you so desired! How come you haven't yet?" Pip asks, his eyebrows raising in concern. He was curious of this man. If he says he is the Antichrist, which was well proven, then this monstrosity of a being would have no problem burning the poor blonde where he stood.
     Damien crossed his arms and huffed. "Your questions bore me. I don't like it when someone questions my judgement." He answers. Pip nods and kept silent. It would be best that way. The two didn't speak, allowing the silence of the house to do the talking. Damien grew bored of watching a silent and saddened human, so he groaned before leaving the house. Pip wasn't surprised, so he didn't follow. The blonde however, sat down on the couch and eyed the dull colored wall with confusion and dismay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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