Chapter 1: Letting evil in

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Chapter 1: letting evil in

    Pip walked down the empty sidewalk. This particular Brit was walking over to Eric Cartmans' house. He was so excited, his heart could pop out of his chest at any moment! I know what you're all thinking. Cartman hates Pip! This is certainly unusual!
      Well, yes it is actually. Sadly Pip does not know what his bully from grade school has to offer, but too much positive thoughts clouded his mind for him to think about the aftermath. We'll just have to see, eh?
      Pip steps onto the porch of the Cartman residence, then gave the front door a couple of knocks before his hand retreats back to his side. The sound of footsteps were heard from the other side, and soon, the door opened to reveal a tall woman standing in the doorway. "Oh my, hello young man! Are you a friend of Eric's?" The lady asks. This female, was none other than Liane Cartman. She had a skinny figure, wore a blue sweater with brown wavy hair that reached her shoulders. "Well, you could say that." Pip lifted his shoulders and smiled awkwardly. "Oh my, well, my son is in his room preparing for tonight! I assume you are here because of that?" She asks kindly. Pip nods, "Righto!"
The mother stepped to the side and welcomed the little blonde inside. Her attitude made Pip wonder though. How does a sweet little lady such as herself create the spawn of the devil himself? Pip will never ask that question. "I made some pie in the kitchen if you and Eric get hungry." Liane mentions. "Thank you, miss! I'll have some later." Pip smiled and hopped up the stairs.
Pip opens up a room door, lucky for him it was Cartmans, the man he wanted to see. "Jesus frenchie, do all French people not knock first?" Cartman sat on an office chair, looking bored as ever. "Well, good day to you, Eric. My, the day has been rather swell." Pip says. Cartman sighed in response before jumping off the chair. "Mm yes, why of course." Cartman mocked Pip by using an accent, though Pip paid no mind to it. "Alright, Pip." Cartman opened his closet and leaned forward. "I want you to-" He was cut off by his door being opened. "Okay Fatass, what is it this time?"
Pip looked over, seeing a kid wearing a green hat standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. It was Kyle broflovski. Standing behind him are his friends Stan and Kenny. "Pip?" Kyle blinked a couple of times. "Ah shit! Why is he here?" Kyle sent glares over at the Fatass, who huffed in annoyance. "Good day, Gentlemen." Pip greeted the three. "I need him to do something so fun." Cartman smirked. "Oh boy." Stan sighed. "This can't be good." The Raven pinches his nose in annoyance. "Come on you guys! You'll love it!" The chubby Brunette whined as he pulled out a black box. "Oh that can't be good." Stan says again, staring at the black box that Cartman sat on the floor. "Dude, what the hell is going on?" Kyle asks, crossing his arms.
"This." Cartman lifted the top of the box off it, and inside was an Ouija board. The piece and all. "No. Way. Dude." Stan said in immediate shock when he saw the board being taken out of the black box. "Oh, you guys are a bunch of pussies! It doesn't work!" Cartman argues, then a smirk formed on his face. "However, if it does, good old Pip will have to make do as bait." He looks over at the Brit, whose eyes widen a little. "Me? Oh Eric, certainly I cannot make friends with a demon!" Pip spoke. "That's exactly why i chose you, Frenchie." Cartman pushed the board and the piece towards the Blonde, who became hesitant however he took the board unwillingly. "Righto." Pip says sadly. Kyle, Stan and Kenny sat down by Cartman. "Okay, now I want you to place your fingers on the little mirror thingy." He points to the little play piece that rested on the boards' surface. "Righto." Pip nods and his fingers press against the cold surface of the piece. "Now ask a question." Cartman orders paitiently. "Oh Eric, but what Questions may I ask?" Pip looked at the chubby brunette who rolled his eyes. "Ask them if you are British or French dammit!" He huffed and Pip soon nods. "A-Am I British, or French?" He asks out loud. The air grew silent around the five, creating suspense for the boys. Pip looked down at the piece his fingers rested on, seeing it do absolutely nothing. "Woooooww..!" Cartman groans in annoyance. "I think they said you were French." He shrugs, Pip huffing in response. "But I'm not French." Pip sighed. "Shut up, Pip!" The four boys yell in sync. "Oh bother.." Pip mutters. "Alright, the board doesn't work! What a piece of shit." Cartman frowns, grabbing the board and the piece from Pips' possession, placing it back into the box. "I was robbed of my twenty five bucks! I want 'em back!" Cartman complains as always, stomping his foot. "Oh Eric, if I had money I would give it to you." Pip chirps, the chubby brunette glancing at him with irritation. "Wow, you sound so nice, Pip!" Cartman shakes his head. "Go home, Pip. This didn't turn out the way I wanted it." Cartman's lip curls into a frown. "Oh! But maybe-" Cartman turned and sent a kick into the poor brits' side. "I said go home! Fag!" Cartman huffed in fury. "Holy shit, Cartman." Stan said in shock, his eyes widening. Pip sat on his elbows, staring at the chubby male with fear in his eyes. "R-Righto, Eric." Pip looks down, and soon he retreated to his feet before leaving.
Poor Pip didn't have a ride home. So he was left walking back in the pouring rain. The British boy lets out a disappointed sigh, his eyes never leaving his feet. Pip didn't understand why much people, or every person, hated him so badly that they left him to walk home in the rain? He doesn't recall ever doing anything to make people hate him.
Pip entered his house, drenched from head to toe. He kicks off his soggy socks, not really minding where they fall. He wasn't in the mood to clean right now. He went up to his room and without care, fell onto his bed. His side aches with pain, and his eyes felt like they were ready to cry to their full extent. He looked at the ceiling, in thought. The poor kid was left alone when his parents passed, and when they did, poor Pip knew he was truly alone. Nobody could ever fill the void his parents once did. Even so, the blonde always had a golden heart for positivity and forgiveness. Sometimes though, that will be his downfall.
Pip began to wonder about the board more than his worst times. That board, he wondered. Was it capable of talking to things beyond human? He stretched himself on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he wondered more. Now that he mentioned it, the piece wiggled a tad bit. Pip frowns, chewing at the bottom of his lip. Then again, it could be a hoax, he also assumed. Maybe the piece moved a bit because Pip was possibly anxious? Who knows. The blonde closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

The night drew cold in South Park, the sky pretty clear with nothing but stars hanging around to make the night seem brighter than it actually was. Pip wasn't bothered, and his sleep continued to be silent and peaceful.

He woke up to his alarm that rung in his dream. He blinked himself awake before sitting up, stretching his arms out. "My, what a terrible night it was." Pip commented his thoughts as usual. It was a habit, poor Pip. He got out of bed and did his normal routine before leaving to the bus stop.
As Pip waited by the sign, he felt bothersome by the heavy cold breeze that blew. It seemed to be picking up its speed by each passing day. Pip watched his blonde hair wave in front of his face. He needed a hair cut, Pip thought. It was true, Pip's blonde hair was never cut, and it was down to nearly his shoulders. He didn't mind, but a trim would be nice so he didn't look feminine. It was bad enough that his body shape was somewhat female-ish. The bus approaches his stop. The bus driver yelled at him to get on. Honestly Pip was happy to get onto the bus to avoid the cold wind.
     School went as normal as it did. Pip getting his lunch stolen, his teachers getting onto him for no reason, and his daily beatings he would receive after the last bell.
    Pip wandered down the sidewalk. His knees busted, bruises covering him from head to toe, clothes were ripped. "Oh my.." he says sadly as he stared down at the floor, holding his brown cap in his hand since it hurt to have it on due to the migraine that throbbed in his head. He held the palm of his hand facing him, looking down at the cuts from the knives his bullies had. Sadly Pip wasn't sure how long he could bare this routine. He was thankful they haven't killed him already.
     Pip enters the house, feeling a different breeze in his home. It wasn't a welcoming one, rather a ominous type of feeling. The blonde didn't think much of it. He just figured his air conditioner was being wonky again. He went upstairs to his room, and there he heard a creaking sound. Pip froze, then turned his head towards the noise, seeing nothing but his closet.
      He slowly walked to it and was hesitant to open it. Surely his house was getting old, he wonders. Pip turned the knob and pulled glancing inside to see nothing but clothes. His clothes. He sighs, but when he looked down the boy saw something familiar. The board Cartman forced him to play was sitting right in his closet under the clothes. "Oh!" Pip picks it up. "How did you get all the way over here? Surely someone must've hid you there, my goodness!" Pip wandered to his bed, placing it in the middle. He glanced it over, seeing the letters and everything. The piece was there, too. "Now let's see." He sat down in front of the board and his finger dragged over the outline of its side. "I wonder, though. Do you actually work?" Pip tilts his head, but instantly regretted it seeing that it made his migraine hurt a bit worse. He sat up straight and sighed. "Never mind that.." he chuckles nervously, rubbing the side of his head, where the pain was felt most. The board was silent, as was the Brits' room. "Should I play with you?" Pip then placed his fingers on the piece. He waited.
    And waited.

     And waited...

     Suddenly, the piece began to shift over to its left. Pip felt his heart jump, and watched the piece move his fingers over the word 'YES'.  "Righto, then! I guess we can talk." Pip chirps. Though he felt a little unsure about this. He never believed in the paranormal, really. "What is your name, might I ask?" Pip asks the board and patiently sat there with his fingers on the piece. The breeze began to rise in the room, Pips' hair started to wave. The piece then moved downward, hovering over the letter 'D'. Pip watched the piece go over letters. It, spelling the name, "DAMIEN". The brit glanced at the board then a smile tugged at his lips. "Damien then, huh?" Pip nodded to this. "Well my name is Phillip, but people call me Pip, because they hate me." The blonde greets himself to the board, or DAMIEN for that matter. It was silent for a moment until Pip spoke up. "What are you?" He asks the board. The piece took a moment before moving over the 'A', then the rest, spelling out, 'ANTICHRIST'.
      Pip felt his heart stop for a moment. His eyes widen a little to the name. No way, that's not right! The blonde shrugged it off. "That sounds splendid." He comments. "Can I see you, Damien?" The blonde asks aloud. The piece began to move. 'IN TIME' it read. "Righto, then." Pip said.

Pip played with the board for two solid good hours before stopping. He and 'Damien' have really talked a lot. "I need to sleep, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright?" Pip smiled. "Cherrio!" He took his fingers off the piece and hopped off his bed. He grabs the board along with the piece, then placed them under his bed. The British Boy walked to his drawer, undressing himself from his daily clothes before putting on his pajamas. They had little clouds dotting them. Pip walked to the bed, hiding half of his body under his blankets. He soon fell asleep. Another day of torment.

     -End Of Chapter 1-

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