Chapter Eleven: Confessions

Start from the beginning

When we reached a pond I had stared at the water confused before Derek had explained that this was where my brother used to come to clean up and that one time he had followed him here because he had wanted to meet him. To see what all the fuss was about.

I was shocked at finding all this out. But it had soon faded to guilt as an image of the scars on my brothers arms came to mind, then it had changed to astonishment and awe as I had finally realised what Derek had actually done.

Thinking back over the past three days I try to piece together some of the puzzles that have had me wondering for a while but I still can't finish any of them because pieces are still missing.


Hearing my name snaps me out of my thoughts and back into the classroom I'm currently sitting in. Beth my teacher stands at the front of the class with a disapproving look on her face.

"Um... Yes?" I ask in innocence.

I hear my wolf chuckle as she lifts her head off her paws. Lost in your own world again?

I grumble under my breath. Why did you allow that to happen?

She shrugs her shoulders. Because I couldn’t be bothered alerting you to the current situation. I’m not you baby sitter.

I glare at a spot past my teachers head. You’re really mean. You know that?

She just barks out a laugh. You’re the one stuck with me.

"Amethyst? Are you paying attention?" Beth's voice breaks my train of thought pulling my attention to her.

"Yes, I'm paying attention now." I answer as I mentally build up the wall between myself and my wolf.

"Good." Beth says as she turns her attention back to what she was doing before. Making a really long speech about the rules of the pack.

I’m pretty sure everyone knows them already; it’s not that hard to figure them out either. My wolfs voice echoes around my brain.

I ignore her as I try to focus on what Beth is saying but the words sound foreign to me and like she's down a well, so after a while I give up.

When the bell rings to signal the end of another school day I sigh in relief and pack my stuff up before leaving the room. Following everyone else down the hall and out the main door I don't pay any attention to those around me until I feel a hand wrap around my fore arm and pull me to a stop.

My heart leaps into my throat as I slowly turn expecting it to be someone bad. But Tommy stands there a look of fear, twisted with lost on his face.

"Tommy, what is it?" I ask as I gently pull his arm off mine and wrap my fingers around it.

"I..." He starts.

I nod my head for him to continue.

"I wanted to say sorry for avoiding you the last few days." He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. "It's not you I've been avoiding."

I meet his smokey-grey eyes. "What's been going on Tommy?"

He doesn't say anything for a while. "I found my mate." He whispers.

I smile at him. "Tommy that's great." But then I realise he doesn't appear to be happy about it. "And why aren't you happy?"

He glances around at the emptying grass area. "I am happy about it. It's just that it’s..." 

My eyebrows come together in confusion. "It's who Tommy?"

"It's . . ." He takes a deep breath. "It's Lachlan." He finally gets out.

I stare at him in stunned silence for a few seconds before mentally shaking my head. "Oh." I breathe. "Is it because he's a Dominant?" 

Tommy nods his head ever so slightly.

"Well, don't worry about it. If you tell him what you went through I'm sure he'll take it easy on you." I say as encouragingly as I can.

Tommy shakes his head. "I don't want him to know, I don't want anyone else to know." 

My eyebrows furrow again. "But Tommy?"

"Please Amethyst?" He begs.

I stare silently into his eyes for a second before letting out a long breath of air and nodding my head. "Okay."

"Thank you." He gives me a small smile.

"Amethyst?" A voice calls from behind me, but I already know its Derek before I turn around.

"Yeah?" I say as I watch Tommy walk off.

"My father would like to see you in his office." He briefly looks in Tommy's direction before meeting my eyes.

I nod. "Lead the way." I say as I walk over to him.

                                                                      *  *  *  *  * 

I was meant to upload this last Friday, but I didn't..... because I instead went into the city for the day. Sorry. 

But here it is now! I hope it's too your liking.

If i'm feeling generous I might upload another chapter later this week .... We'll see what happens though.

Enjoy your day/night and i'll catch ya next time.


Book Two: Winning A HeartWhere stories live. Discover now