Y/N: Thanks for taking care of me!

My face felt like it was on fire and Y/N walked away to the theater room. Once Y/N was out of sight, I noticed Benny giving me a suggestive smirk.

Benny: You loooove him~


Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Clockwork crushing Chibi Y/N in a hug

I walked into the theater room with Benny, my face still red and the thought of the kiss still burning a hole in my mind. I shook it off before I walked in. Y/N was sitting on a stool at the front of the room on stage while everyone else just sat in the chairs.

Jess: Finally, now we can start!

Y/N: Yup. Find a seat you two! It's important story time!

Me and Benny sat down next to Jackie at the front as Y/N grabbed the mic and adjusted the stand.

Y/N: Alright, so you might be wondering, 'Why the hell did Y/N pretty much turn into Satan when his knife went missing?' Well, I can assure you that there is a dark and depressing story to answer that.

I could tell Y/N was trying to be light hearted and funny to cover the sadness behind his voice.

Y/N: So, I was orphaned at birth. Pretty rough start huh? Well, I was given to a small family that they thought could take care of me. And boy were they right. These people were the greatest! They never fought, had no abuse issues with alcohol or drugs and they were smart and sweet. If I had a question for school, they could help me find the answer myself.

He paused for a minute before continuing.

Y/N: They were great... but good things don't last...

We all looked at him as he dropped his head in sadness. He looked ready to cry.

Y/N: I was 8 when it happened. A tall man in black broke into our home and demanded our valuables. When they refused and tried to protect me, he cut out my eye and killed them. I watched as he gutted my family. I used every ounce of bravery I had and jumped on him, took his knife and jammed it in his shoulder. I repeated stabbing him until his arm ripped from his body and he bled out.

At this point, Y/N had tears in his eye. He looked vulnerable and weak, but tried to stay strong and continued talking.

Y/N: This knife was a present from my dad. He said it was his when he was young and he got it from his father. Heh, my mom flipped when he gave me a knife. But she let me keep it... That was on my 8th birthday... 7 weeks before they died...

His voice was shaky and he looked ready to break down crying. I saw Jill get up from her seat and walk down to the stage. She went up to Y/N and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, seeming to be desperate for someone to hold him. We all went down and joined the hug, even Slenda and Jess. After a minute, we broke the giant group hug and Y/N wiped his face before smiling at us.

Y/N: Thanks guys... I needed that.

Ann: It's no problem. If you want... I could stay with you for a while...

Some of the others seemed to notice the blush on my face and could tell why I volunteered myself. But Y/N just smiled at me.

Y/N: Thanks Ann. I'd like that.

Timeskip brought to you by A/N selling his soul and writing a lemon for this story

I went with Y/N to my room, seeing as his hadn't been restored yet. I felt weird with Y/N in my room with me. I'd never been with a guy in my room that wasn't dead and I've certainly never been alone in my room with a guy I liked. I walked in and sat on the bed, Y/N just standing by the door, looking nervous. 

Ann: Aren't you going to sit down?

Y/N: O-Oh, uhh... sorry. I've just... I-I've never been in a g-girls room before...

Ann: Well, you can sit down.

Y/N: S-Sure...

He sat down on the bed next to me... right next to me. He was very close to me, blushing slightly. I was not. I was blushing furiously. I felt like I wanted to pounce on him and make him mine right then and there. His shifting and embarrassed look didn't help. I felt myself stop breathing as he placed a hand on mine. I looked over at him and saw he was looking right into my eye.

Y/N: A-Ann...

Ann: Y-Yeah?

Y/N: W-Would you like to have a day out? Y'know... just us?

My heart stopped. He just asked me out. The guy I was hopelessly in love with just asked me out. My heart started again and it wasn't just beating, it was doing back flips. It felt like I had a thousand butterflies in my stomach and I just blushed, staring at him.

Y/N: S-Sorry for asking...

He got up to leave but I pulled him back. He looked at me as I looked at him, my face red.

Ann: I'd love to go out with you!

I just sort of let it out. No thought to what I was saying, just my instincts. I had my eyes closed and Y/N just pulled me into a hug.

Y/N: I didn't think you'd say yes!

Ann: Well, I did. So... where do you want to go?

Y/N: Actually, I was thinking we could go to the waterfall down the stream. It's nice and quiet there. We could spend the night there together if you're ok with that?

Ann: Y-Yeah, I'd love to sleep with you- I-I mean, spend the night with you!!

I can't believe I just said that! What's wrong with me!? I smacked myself internally for blurting that out, but was brought out of my trance by Y/N pushing my hair aside and kissing my forehead. The kiss made me blush a brand new shade of red as he backed up and smiled at me.

Y/N: I'm looking forward to it!

With that, he walked out, leaving me in a state of paralysis and lust. For the second time today, he kissed me. I just sat there for what felt like hours processing what just happened. One thought stuck in my mind. I want him so badly!

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So yeah, if the end of that chapter and the timeskip wasn't evidence enough, I'm making a sour lemony lemon for you and Ann. But it wont be for another two chapters. 

Yami: Next chapter is the date. The lemon is the chapter after that. That sound right?

A/N: It does. Anyways, I'm not seeing much feedback, voting on girls or awkward situations with said girls. FIX THAT PLEASE! I'm not a never ending pit of fanfiction knowledge! I'm even borrowing ideas from other stories! So help me!

Yami: It's probably best if you do, A/N is going insane.

A/N: Well, you can now look forward to lemon! Goodbye my soul... Signing off!


My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader x Fem!Creepypasta)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora