Luckily, Jason didn't get defensive towards her. Cassie and him both laughed and glanced towards the door, as if afraid Keana was right outside and had heard me. "Oh Ava, she doesn't hate you. I'd say she's just jealous of you and Cassie. She knows you'll both be the center of attention once everything is calm and Keana likes to hold her head high and have everyone know who and what she is. We don't get new people, you and Cassie are going to attract a lot of attention once your Supernaturals have fully awoken."

I gave him a shrug, "I doubt it. Nobody seems to know what my Supernatural is and I'm starting to doubt if I even have one."

"Ava, trust me, you have one." Jason said.

She opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by the door being shoved open. We all looked back and saw Reston standing there, looking slightly embarassed to have had to shove open the door. He cleared his throat and then stuffed his hands in his coat pockets. "Sorry."

Jason stifled a laugh and motioned for him to come closer. "Reston what's happening? The girls said you were looking for them."

Reston came and sat on the bed across from Jason's. "I was hoping to speak with the two of you. I need a better understanding of what has happened in the last few days so we can figure out what's going on around here." He said.

"Okay, what do you know?" Cassie asked him.

"I know that you both woke up in the woods with no memory of how you got there. I know that Cassie was shot by Keana and after some surgery she was woken up again. Keana lit the forest on fire after transforming into a dragon and burned down a cabin that was possibly housing the ones who kidnapped the both of you. Then you were running through the woods, the three of you found your way to the truck and Jason returned you home safe. I imagine after that you slept a lot and in the morning you woke up with burns on your hands, covered in dirt, smelling like smoke, and whatever else. In some time during the night, whoever took your memory of how you got in the woods must've taken some of your memory of what else occurred there." Reston told the summary quickly and very matter-of-factly. It was short and to the point and covered everything that I remembered.

"Sounds about right." I replied while nodding my head and glancing at Cassie, who was also nodding.

"Well if you know all we know, how are we going to get any new information?" Cassie asked.

Reston shifted his weight on the squeaky bed, "I had an idea I wanted to propose. It hasn't been used before and was given to me as a gift years ago by your kind, Cassie. It's similar to what we used to erase you from the memories of your friends and family. The difference between the two is that one takes a certain object or person out of memories and leaves everything else. This one places every memory back into place and apparently rushes through your mind so fast that it could put you unconscious. It also relives every pain and every thought you had while in the moment. Your body will remember the temperatures and the things you heard or said and depending on how much memory was taken is how long it will take until you wake up from it."

Jason looked between Reston, Cassie, and myself. He looked concerned and uncomfortable. Like the idea of doing something new was dangerous and might kill us. Maybe that happened a lot in this camp. Whatever the reason, I was strangely excited. I wanted to remember because the mystery of what had happened was going to haunt me until I knew. But a small part of me wondered if I really should remember. What if the person who took it did it for a reason? What if it was to protect us from something or someone? What if it was because if we remembered, the memories would hurt us mentally the rest of our lives?

"I want to do it." Cassie's words were out of her mouth before I could even think of any. I looked at her, incredulous. "Hold up Cas, we can't just jump into everything." I said, sitting on the edge of my seat. Cassie rolled her eyes, "maybe you can't but I can!" She turned toward Reston, "I want to do it. Whatever this is, a pill or shot or whatnot, I want to take it. I want to remember and figure it all out." She insisted, her eyes wide and full attention on Reston.

Unravel: Book One in the Unravel TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now