Welcome to Hyperion Heights

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A/N: Okay so I really wanted to start an Officer Rogers x Reader type of story, I did have an Idea in my head and I hope It works out, I may have wrote MY own story because well that's how fanfictions go, I may introduce some familiar characters from the previous seasons of Ouat because well I love them. So we shall see how this goes I hope you all enjoy this chapter. By the way there is a mention of some violence so its rated M for mature. 

You ran in the middle of the night, following the moon you hit trees and branches, you were scared and cold out but nothing was going to stop you from running far away from your home. You heard your name being yelled from a distance that mans voice was the man you hated the most your husband, he would treat you horribly, he'd call you names and hit you whenever you'd try to prove him wrong. But it was not like that before no he was amazing, he would send you flowers and cards when he'd forget your anniversary, he'd ask you to marry him over and over again even when you were already married, he'd write you notes each morning but everything stopped when he met her, the woman he cheated on you with, that woman you wanted to hit her you wanted her gone but it wasn't her fault it was his for thinking about another woman. For destroying your one true happiness with him. Now you were scared for your life and you kept running. You stopped on the side of the road out of breath, you saw car lights thinking what if it was him and you tried running straight into the other side but before you could cross the car had skid onto the wet highway. You stopped mid way and it hit you making you roll over on top of the car and onto the floor. You were laying there frozen, your bones hurt and all you heard were the sounds of the car door and a faint shadow of someone over you.
***** (2 weeks later) 
The sound of beeping awoke you, your vision was blurry and you seen shades of blue and greens. You groaned as you felt your head slightly hurt, and your throat burned. You were thirsty but you couldn't move your body all that well. "Bloody hell!" An unfamiliar voice spoke out, "You're awake!" You could hear the happiness of the random mans voice speaking out, he walked around the bed and grabbed you some water putting the straw into your mouth, you sipped some water feeling the pain as you swallowed. You gave yourself some time to gather your thoughts and finally come into focus on the mans face, my what a beautiful sight he was, his blue eyes looking into your (Y/E/C) eyes. "I'm sorry about what i did, you came out of nowhere and i just..i hit you." You chuckled lightly, and the man had a look of confusion spread across his face, "Could be worse, i could be dead right now." You said as you tried sitting up slowly. "God that's painful."  The man helped you sit up, "What's your name?" He asked you as he fluffed your pillow, "My name is (y/n)"  he smiled and took your hand shaking it softly , "I'm officer Rogers it's nice to meet you." You chuckled once more, "I got hit on by an officer, literally."  He laughed softly as he sat back down, "I'm sorry this happened to you." he said placing his hand on top of yours. You smiled at him "I'm okay." you both shared a moment until it was interrupted by the doctor, "Well look who is up!" he said grabbing your chart from the edge of your bed, "I'm doctor Whale, I'll be your doctor for the next few days you'll be staying here. How are you feeling today?" you cleared your throat, "Uhm I am just hurting a little bit."  he looked over your chart and then pulled his stethoscope out checking your heart beat. He took your blood pressure and looked at the monitor. "Well, it's a miracle, you're lucky Officer Rogers here brought you to the doctor, we thought you'd never make it after surgery you were asleep for 2 weeks, officer here didn't leave your side once." You saw Officer Rogers blush a little bit, and you furrowed your eyebrows confused. "2 weeks?" the doctor nodded, "Yep that's about right, you were hit very badly, It's a miracle honestly, but if you need anything else be sure to call me." he walked out of the room and you stayed quiet for a moment. "2 weeks.....that's insane." you then remembered the reason why you were on the street that day, because of your husband, who had no idea where you were and you knew that this hospital was safe, that you were safe. 


a few days had gone by and you were still in the hospital, Officer Rogers visited you every single day before he went to work, during lunchtime and sometimes he even stayed the night at the hospital with you. When you were ready to go, he even picked you up . "Do you have anywhere to go? a husband? family?" you shook your head no, "I am afraid not anymore." you sighed and he came up with an idea, "How about you come stay with me at my house, I have plenty of food, an extra bedroom, and  you could rest until you get back on your feet... what do you say?"  you thought about it for a moment, you didn't really know him all that well, but for some reason he made you feel safe inside. "Okay! sure!" he drove you to his home, it was beautiful nothing like you've ever seen before, he opened the car door for you helping you out and taking you to the front porch, he opened the front door and helped you inside, it was a cozy looking house and it smelled really good. "I hope your wife doesn't mind." you chuckled as he took you to the couch to sit down, "I don't have a wife." he said. "Are you hungry?" he asked. You didn't realize it until now when your stomach started to rumble a little bit, you nodded at him and he smiled. "Great! I will order some pizza!" he grabbed the phone and dialed. 

Once the pizza arrived the both of you sat at the kitchen table, "So tell me...why were you in the middle of the street that day?" he asked as you were eating your slice of pizza, you were hesitant with answering him but deep down inside of you, you knew that you could trust him. "My husband, he...he would hit me and that day he got angry with me....and.." you felt tears fall down from your face, the look of anger on Officer Rogers face and sadness because of what you had gone through, he moved closer to you wrapping his arm around your pulling you into a hug. "Now you're safe you don't ever have to worry."  Later on that night he showed you to the guest room where you were to sleep at, once you were settled in the both of you said your goodnight. You laid down staring up at the ceiling smiling, you didn't know what was going to happen, but you felt like it was going to be something good. 


A few weeks had passed and you were up and moving around, You got up bright and early one morning and began to search around the kitchen. You opened one of the Cabinets to find a box with the word "pancakes" written on it, you pulled it out and began to make some breakfast. You wanted to thank him for everything he had done. You turned on the coffee pot and started making coffee, everything was perfect. you set the table up served the pancakes, and coffee. Then you sat down waiting for him to come out. It wasn't a few moments later until he came out stretching his arms out, he rubbed his eyes and looked at the table and then to you smiling. "Whats all of this?" he asked as he sat down with you. You blushed, "I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, today is officially the day that I get out there and find work!" the both of you ate your pancakes, once you were both done he said his goodbye getting ready to head off to work and you were now alone to wonder off into town. 

You stepped outside for the first time in awhile, feeling the nice cold breeze across your face, you took a deep breath in and let it out, this was going to be amazing you thought to yourself. You walked down the street into town, passing different shops around.  You eventually saw the sign out in front, Hyperion Heights was where you were at. "Hmm, funny name." you thought to yourself. You passed by a bar with the words "Roni's" you thought to yourself, "I wonder if they're hiring?" you went inside, it was an empty bar, you had wondered if it was out of business, but to your surprise you heard footsteps coming from the back of the bar, "How can I help you?" the woman said leaning against the table. You cleared your throat, "Uhm, I was wondering if you're hiring?"  she looked at you and smiled, "Do you have any experience in bar tending?" she asked, you nodded, "I took some bar tending classes back in California, and worked as one for awhile." the woman smiled, "You're hired." she stepped closer to you and held out her hand, "I'm roni." you shook her hand and introduced yourself. "wow I wasn't expecting that to be easy." you chuckled. Roni smiled at you, "That's because no one hasn't ever asked for a job here, you are the first person, plus I could use another woman's touch around here." she went behind the bar and pulled out two shot glasses pouring some tequila in them, "Here!" she said handing you a shot glass. "To new friends!" you both clinked your glasses together and drank from the shot glass, a burning sensation over flowed inside of your chest, you squeezed your eyes shut tightly while you swallowed it all. "Wow that was strong." you said and Roni just chuckled. "So when do i start?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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