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I woke up laying down in the backseat of a car. I smelled cigarette smoke and looked in the front seat. Shawn was driving and had his window rolled down to let out the smell. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair looking out the window. We were moving. I could tell we weren't in Nome anymore and I started to freak out. The car slowly stopped at a red light and Shawn turned back to me.

"I'm glad you're not dead. We are almost at my house so you can eat and get fixed up there." I looked out my window and saw the bright blue and yellow sign saying 'Welcome to California'. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket but I didn't reach for it knowing that Shawn would want to see who it was.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked remembering he came up to Nome with her.

"She just asked me where she was," he smiled and continued. "I marked you back in Alaska which makes you my girlfriend now. Well, technically it makes you my mate." I covered my mouth feeling sick that he just said that. I would never be mates with this loser.

"Then why haven't I felt the bond yet?" He pulled over quickly and turned to me. His eyes were huge and I almost laughed. Almost. He growled and his eyes narrowed at me. He looked away from me and pulled back onto the road. He didn't talk the rest of the drive to his house but he kept looking in the rear view mirror at me.

When we got to Shawn's house he got out and opened my door. I hesitated to get out but when I did he put his arm around my waist so I couldn't get away. Before he opened the front door his neighbor came out and saw us.

"And who is this beauty?" The neighbor said walking up to us. He looked as though he was in his late thirties maybe. I growled at him and laughed when he walked back to his house. Shawn turned me to where I was facing him and pulled me in for a kiss. I slapped my hands over my mouth and he growled and threw me in the house.

"Your room is over there. Dinner is in twenty minutes." He pointed to my room and walked to the kitchen. I felt like I just switched places with Belle and he was the beast. I ran to the bedroom and crashed down on the bed. I felt my phone buzz again and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Most of the texts were from Grams but there was one or two from Zachrey and I couldn't see anything from Cole. I heard Shawn call me from the kitchen so I got off the bed and put my phone under the mattress so he wouldn't find it. When I got to Shawn he was putting some pasta on the table. He looked over at me and pulled out a seat which I assumed was mine. I sat down at another chair and he growled before sitting in the chair he pulled out for me. Shawn gave me a crooked smile before talking.

"Let's talk. About us."

I stared down at my food and started eating trying to ignore his demand. He reached over the table and pulled my food away from me so I swallowed quickly and started drinking the tea that was also there. He pulled that out of my mouth as well and I didn't have anything else to chew on except my hand.

"Look. We really need to talk about it."

"Why do we need to talk about it? There is nothing and will always be nothing." I said finally giving up.

"Because I marked you and your so-called mate didn't do anything to stop me. You were the one that reacted not him." He smiled before continuing. "If we are going to live together and be happy mates we'll have to..." His voice trailed off and I slid my chair away from the table.

"Never in a million years would I ever do that with you. Got it?!" I ran to the room I was staying in and locked the door. I heard him running after me and I jumped when he hit the door.

After a while of him hitting the door he finally left back to his room I guess. I pulled my phone out from under the mattress and turned it on. I saw Cole texted me six times and I smiled. I texted him back saying "hey sorry. He would've taken my phone away". I waited a whole two seconds before it saw the text bubble appear. It was a very short but clear text. "I love you" was all it said. I said the same thing back and he called me. Luckily my phone was on vibrate so Shawn wouldn't hear it. I answered it quickly and I swear I heard him crying.

"Arctic I'm so sorry! I didn't want him to take you," he sniffled before continuing. "I love you so much and I never should have let you act like you didn't care about me. I never should've let you walk out of my house. If I didn't run in to you while hunting this never would have happened. I'm so sorry."

I didn't know what to say. I sat there completely speechless while I listened to Cole sob. It broke my heart knowing Cole regretted meeting me and knowing I couldn't say anything to keep him with me. He took a deep breath before saying goodbye and hanging up. I tried calling him back, not because I wanted to talk, because I wanted to know he was there. He never answered the rest of the night.

After about two hours of sitting on the floor I looked at the time. It was 11:30 pm so I got up and crawled under the covers. I held the phone to my chest hoping it would buzz and Cole's name would be on the screen. Before I knew it light was shining from my opened window and I hadn't slept for a second. I walked to the kitchen and sighed with relief when Shawn wasn't there. I got out a bowl of fruit I found and started eating. It wasn't a lot of food but it was enough. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't eat with Shawn around because he would most likely fix dinner every night from now on. I needed to talk to Cole today too. I don't know what I planned on saying to Cole but I knew I had to say something.

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