Chapter Twenty-Five - An Allergic Reaction

Start from the beginning

Taking hold of the bowl on her itchy palm, she examined the content thoroughly. Not seeing anything suspicious, she took a pinch of it and brought it closer to her eyes to inspect. 

She frowned when she felt something hard in her fingers. Looking at it closely, she tried to guess what it was. Not sure of what that was, she placed it into her mouth and spit it out the very next moment.

Her eyes widened. 

It was a peanut. 

No wonder she was getting all these reactions!

Anger swirled through her and she marched out of her room - with one hand scratching her cheek and the other holding her aching stomach. The sudden and violent movements deteriorated the condition of her stomach as well but she cared less about that as she strode downstairs to fetch the one who prepared her food. 

NK came out from behind the pillar as soon as she left and entered the room. He glanced at the peanut Khidchi on the table, then at the peanut-free Khidchi in his hands.

He switched the bowls, all while smirking as he imagined Sheetal's face when she will be proven a psycho in front of everyone once again.

He grinned as he took the evidence of Sheetal's future claim, but felt the smile dropping flat on the floor when he heard rapid foot steps approaching. Precipitations formed on his face, realizing that Sheetal was coming back already.

"Now what should I do?" He looked around nervously, Sheetal's speed at creating a commotion and bringing everyone to her room catching him off guard. 

He gulped when the footsteps sounded closer. An image of Arnav strangling him for ruining his plan flashed in his mind and he shuddered, instantly dropping to floor and crawled under the bed, hiding himself and the bowl just in time as the door flung open. 

"Here, you guys don't believe me, right? Have a look for yourself." Sheetal graveled at a helpless HP, then forwarded the bowl to an agitated Anjali. 

"See, there's peanuts in it, which this HP has deliberately mixed!" She howled, her accusation causing HP to shake in humiliation and fear. 

"Sheetalji!" Anjali flinched at her loud voice. "Nothing has been proven yet. So please, calm down and keep quiet."

"Not yet proven?" Sheetal breathed fire as her nails again latched on her face. "Look at me. You can't even see me behind these rashes! What more proof do you need to accept that I'm not lying?" 

Anjali rolled her eyes. She took the bowl from Sheetal and quickly took in a spoonful of the Khidchi, chewing it slowly. Swallowing the content, she stared up at Sheetal, fed up to the teeth at her drama. 

"There's no peanuts in it. Not even a single trace of it." 

"What?" Sheetal shrieked in incredulity, shaking her head sideways. "That's not possible. I tasted the peanut in that just a few minutes ago. There's no way that thing is not in there." She stated, obstinacy etched on her words.

Anjali sighed. Taking a spoonful of the food, she then extended it near Arnav's mouth.

"Now you only check it and tell your friend that there's nothing wrong in it." She said, causing Arnav to shake his head at her underlying indignation as he parted his lips and chewed the food.

"Di is right, Sheetal. There is nothing wrong in the dish." He informed and tried to reign the smirk that threaten to form on his face as Sheetal blanched.

" believe me...t..this.." she stuttered, completely lost at words. Not knowing how else to prove her point, she took the bowl hurriedly and ate some of the Khidchi.

She looked shocked. There was actually no trace of peanuts in it.

"Are you assured now?" Anjali asked crossing her arms to her chest while Sheetal bend her head while scratching her palm. This itching and on top that, this never-ending embarrassment - what is even going on?

Anjali exhaled. "Akash, call the doctor for Sheetalji. She needs to be treated." She said, then rectified hastily as Sheetal stared at her taken aback, "I-I mean her rashes needs to be treated."

HP sighed at the drama and turned to leave silently when Anjali stopped him. He halted, and looked at his Anjali Didi quizzically, who in turn stared at Sheetal. A bubble of laugh reached up her throat as Sheetal kept on scratching herself, controlling which, she spoke.

"Apologise to Hari Prakashji, Sheetalji." 

Sheetal's nails paused their assault on her hand as she looked up, frowning. "Excuse me?"

"You'll be excused. But first, apologize to Hari Prakashji for your insolence. He has been here with us since so many years and today you have insulted him by questioning his loyalty. So, say sorry." 

Flushed to her roots as the humiliation grew heavier, Sheetal opened her mouth to retort when Anjali's calm voice turned into a stern order.

"Apologize. Now." She said, stressing on her words.

The helplessness that spread across Sheetal's face caused Arnav to grin but as he looked down to hide his mirth, the smile itself disappeared at the sight of NK's feet peeping into the open from under the bed.

What the?

What the hell was he doing under the bed?

He looked at everyone, relieved that their whole concentration was on Sheetal and kicked the legs of NK before anyone else could notice him. Startled by the hit, NK looked behind, horrified as he thought someone had find him. But as he saw a feet trying to push his inside, he realized who that was and instantly pulled his leg from the open - his tongue pressed between his teeth at his stupid mistake.

Arnav heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Sheetal who was vexed to no end after having asked a servant for forgiveness.

"It''s ok!" HP nodded overwhelmed by the respect - his acceptance making her feel more degraded.

"Now you should rest Sheetalji. The doctor will be here any minute." Anjali said, smiling in a casual manner as she did not just almost yelled at her. 

Sheetal gave her a brief nod whilst Arnav and NK paled.

If she stays here then how will NK escape?

Arnav racked his brain and instantly pulled Sheetal back on her feet when she sat herself on the edge of the bed. 

Flabbergasted, she whispered, "Arnav?"

The rest also looked at him weirdly and sensing the strange gazes at him, Arnav gave out a broken and nervous smile.

"Erm, Sheetal I think you should go and sit in the garden for a while. I mean it would be better if you get some fresh air. You can come back once the doctor arrives. Till then, let's go.. to the garden?" He proposed and seemed relieved when convinced by his words, Sheetal nodded and started walking with him - her nails still scraping her irritated skin.

The rest followed them a second later, exasperated at Arnav.

Feeling the hand that Sheetal kept on Arnav's arm unnerving her to no end, Payal huffed. This shameful closeness of her sister's husband and his friend irked her to no end, and she muttered curses under her breath - moiling as she sought a solution for the wretched woman. 

Meanwhile, hearing the sound of the door, NK crawled out from under the bed and got up stretching his arms to ease the pain in his muscles.

"This Sheetal will get me killed one day. Thank God Nanav saved me!" He mused loudly and ran out of the room before he get into more trouble.


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