My Tragic Life Story

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                                                                                Chapter 1


Hi my name is Jane. I am a 14 years old and live with my mom. I have brown hair and blue eyes and live in a small town called Victoria. My dad died when I was only 10. My mom thinks it was an accident but I don't believe her because they never found his body. My story is about me finding the truth about my dad and To prove he is alive.

"Mom!"said Jane as she ran around the house looking for her ancient phone.

"What!"her mother screams back in the shower.

"Where is my phone I want to see if Emily is home." Jane yelled.

By the way Emily is Jane's best friend. They met when her father died and ever since, they have been inseparable since. They are best friends that share everything. Like cloths,food, and friends.

"It's by the door on the little wood table" she screamed back.

"Thanks mom!"Jane replied

Little did she know that would be her last words to her mom. Jane went to Emily's house not knowing someone broke into her house and killed her mother. At Emily's house Her and Jane got into a huge fight and ended their friendship. As she walked home in the cold January weather she saw police at her house. Jane didn't understand what happened at first. She thought it was just her mom trying to make dinner again and making another fire in their house until Jane didn't see her mom outside.

She ran past the bright yellow police tape into her house. Police ran after her screaming to stay out but she had to figure out where her mom was. Her mom was rushed past her like a tornado out the door and into the ambulance. Jane broke down crying her eyes out. Police ran to get Jane and picked her up and escorted her out of the house into the car and to a foster house. Jane kicked and screamed to take her home but they ignored her and took her to her new house. She had the worst day but sadly it wasn't over for poor 14 year old Jane.

                                                                         Chapter 2


5 hours later

Jane meet her new "parents" or as she liked to call them Joey and Rachel. She hated them as much as on the news when it says her dad being "dead". Her foster parents had it all, a huge house, a pool, a trampoline, an indoor basketball court. What's not to love at a house like that. Well apparently a lot I must say. Jane hated her bed it was to big and the library was too small. Joey was a doctor and so was Rachel, so they got her a huge library and a small bed but something didn't seem right to Jane. They didn't have kids but they have pictures on the wall of kids with knife cuts down the middle. She knew she had to get out of the house as fast as she could.

Jane searched for a way out but all of the windows and doors seemed to be cemented shut. "Don't panic"she thought to herself as she was walking in circles around her room. Jane was a very smart person and she knew she could find a way out of this house. She was also an amazing inventor that could make the most brilliant inventions. Her foster yelled," Your mom is dead. They just called." Jane could hear a faint laugh. She knew they were her mom and dad killer. Jane made a rope with her sheets and climbed down the house out of her window that she pried open. As her feet touched the ground Joey saw her out the window. Jane ran with all her might back to her "old" house. The door was locked but the window was cracked the smallest bit and she somehow go the window open. Jane ran into her mom's room and saw no blood. She knew her mom was alive. She knew her mom made a dummy of herself with blood inside so if someone came after her she could escape and the killer would think they are killing her mom. Jane knew she was with her dad and all she had to do was find out where they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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