Chapter 3 Practice (part 2)

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(A/N: Before beginning the chapter let me tell you that the above picture was made by my amazing bestie Myheartlieshere. Hope you enjoy this chapter)

Mion's POV

Today was finally the day when Wataru and I would get the ice rink. So far all we could do without the ice rink was to find a good song that the both of us could sing. I went to the ice rink earlier than we had planned, so I could get some practice on my prism jumps but when I got to the ice rink, Wataru was already there.

"How did you come here so early," I demanded of him "Because knew you would be here early and it's rude for the girl to wait for the guy," he answered.

"Idiot", I told him and walked onto the ice rink.

"DOI-RE-ME-FA Slider," I yelled as I did a prism jump.

"I found a song for us to sing," Wataru told me.

"Put it on the speakers so I can listen to it," I ordered Wataru to do. Wataru plugged his phone into the ice rinks speakers and music started to fill the room.

"It's called Canterella," He told me.

"Yeah, it's good, I like the beat," I answered "I thought the song suits us because it's about being captured under someone's spell.

I skated off and did another prism jump, GOLDEN STAR MAGIC.

"Do you want to start practice singing the song?" he asked me.

"No, we can easily practice singing without the ice rink but since we have it now, I think we should come up with a routine for the dance and get that part done and out of the way with," I answered.

"Aw, and I really wanted to sing with you, Mion." he said.

"Idiot, we can sing another time if you really want to. Anyway let's get started, come join me on the on the ice rink" Wataru did as I told him to.

After dancing for a while it was going well until I tripped after his foot because he stop dancing at an important moment.

"Are you okay?"He asked me.

"Yeah I'm just fine, let's get back to the routine," I told him.

"I think we should take a break now anyway," he said, "I'll go get us some drinks."Before I could say no to this idea, He was off the ice rink and out the door.I didn't want to stop practicing but I couldn't argue with a person who isn't here.So I skated around the ice rink, waiting for Wataru to come back with drinks.

Wataru's POV

I felt really bad for hurting Mion. I didn't mean to I just couldn't get a part of the dance right, she probably hates me even more now. When I walked back to the ice rink with the drinks, Mion was still on the ice.

"Get off the ice, your hurt, you should relax before getting back on the ice," I yelled at her so she could hear me from over on the ice rink. "Don't worry so much, if I can't get up over a little fall then how can I call myself a performer," she told me.

"Well anyway I have the drinks here, come over to get yours" I said. She skated over with as much grace as much grace as always, maybe she wasn't that badly hurt after all and I was just over reacting.

After our brake was over, we went back on the ice rink and skated around the rink for a bit to warm up and get use to the ice again.

"Let's sing the song for a bit," said Mion while turning around on the spot to look at me. I guess her ankle was hurting her if she wanted to sing instead of dance. God, I feel so bad about her ankle.

"Sure, I would love to sing with you," I smiled at her.

She gives me a "stop messing around" look and said"We should start with our timing on the lyrics before we do anything else".

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