Chapter 3 - The Truth to Be Told

Start from the beginning

His reply makes me absolutely shocked. His face starts to look a little bit tense. "I am here because of our father."


 I continue listening to him attentively.

He goes on, trying hard to spill off things of which I'm pretty sure he doesn't tell anyone occasionally. "My brother and I are twins. I am born two minutes later after him. My mother was very happy. But it did not go well with our father. He had to carry a bigger responsibility than what he had expected.”

“Then, what happened?” I ask.

He replies. “He and Mom had a big fight. He wanted to give me away to anyone else, but she refused to do so. Mom said that after the big fight, Father changed his attitude. He always came home late and normally he would be drunk. When he was not in a good mood, he would beat us up. Usually, I would be the victim."

He continues. "One day, for the first time ever in her life, she fought back. She could not take it anymore. During that time, my drunk father was about to hit me with an iron. She tried to protect us by threatening to stab him with a knife, but she was the one stabbed instead.” He wipes a drop of tears that is streaming down his cheek.

Hyunseung gives him a sad look. “Go on, Hyunjun.” He says encouragingly.

He forces himself to speak. “As Father was advancing towards me, Hyunseung arrived. He had just returned from the shop, buying some groceries that Mom requested him to buy. He saw Mom lying stiffly on the floor, in a large pool of blood. Without any hesitation, he quickly hit Father's head with a ketchup bottle. I was grabbed by him to the door when suddenly some neighbours came to see what happened. Panicked, Father ran away. We quickly lodged a police report. He was arrested one week later, imprisoned for the charge of committing homicide." He stops talking.

I can see his watery eyes when I suddenly realise that my cheeks are fairly wet.

"I'm sorry for making you tell me that." I said.

"It's okay." he says. "I feel a lot better after telling you that. At least there is someone else other than my brother who knows what had really happened during that fateful night." He smiles.

He then talks with Hyunseung. "Hyung, I miss you so much. It has been a while since you last visited me. I thought that I will never see you again."

Hyunseung frowns for a while, trying hard to remember something. "Actually, I was on the way here to visit you the night before I will fly overseas to perform in a concert with my other group members. And as far as I can remember, I fainted after someone put a handkerchief at my mouth. After that, I found myself dead."

I cover my mouth with my hand in horror.

"I cannot remember anything else. Everything seems so blurry."

Trying to soothe him, I say, "It is okay, Hyunseung. You should not put a pressure on yourself too much. We will try to find your murderer."

Hyunjun nods in agreement.

We excuse ourselves after chatting for another half an hour as it is almost nightfall. Hyunjun reminds us to visit him again tomorrow. Knowing that his brother does not have much time left, he wants to meet him frequently. We promise to come again on the next day.

For the first time ever after meeting him in person, I can see that Hyunseung really loves his brother, unconditionally. I also notice that Hyunjun relies on him a lot.

I am wondering what would happen to him if the only person whom he can rely on is gone when suddenly Hyunseung says, "Thanks, T. I think this is why I like you."

I freeze. "What did you just say?" My heart thumps loudly.

"Nothing.", he replies abruptly. "I just want to thank you for doing all this for me. I really feel indebted to you."

I smile at him. "It is okay. Besides, I am your friend. What is the use of having a friend if he or she cannot help you in hard times?" I continue, without waiting for him to respond. "As long as I live, I will always be there for you, because you were always there for me."


We arrive at his home at about thirty minutes later. Everyone of his group is there. Junhyung is reading an article on his tablet at the dining table while Dongwoon is looking at the figures he collects. At the same time, Dujun is chatting with Gikwang and Yoseob.

They greet me cheerily. I am stunned by their friendliness. They might look quite popular and famous, but deep down in my heart, I can tell that they are very humble. They address me as their friend, in fact a very close friend indeed.

We chat and laugh for about one and a half hour when suddenly Dongwoon asks about how I get in touch with Hyunseung. "He always said that you were special to him,” he adds. "He also broke up with his girlfriend a while ago because she insisted that he should not contact you ever again."

"Oh, is it true?" I ask in disbelief.

I glance at Hyunseung, who has fallen asleep at an empty chair near the dining table. Perhaps he is pretending to be asleep, I would not know.

"I sent him a fan mail two weeks ago when he replied it back a few moments later. His friendliness made me felt calm every time I contacted him." I say. "What about his girlfriend? Did she try to contact him ever since?" I ask eagerly.

Dongwoon sighs. Everyone else, including the cheerful Yoseob remains silent.

It is Gikwang who replies this time. "She did, but he ignored her. He completely shut her out from his world. He was even blackmailed by her, threatening to kill him. She said if she cannot have him, there will be no one who could."

Gulping, I let everything sink in. His father is a murderer, causing his mother to be dead and his beloved brother to suffer a serious mental disorder. His girlfriend has threatened to end his life if he keeps on contacting me.

I cannot say anything else. Thinking of how miserable someone’s life can be when people whom he had once trusted betray him makes my head hurts.

Excusing myself to go to sleep, I go into the room. His father can be a threat to him as he is the one who has saved Hyunjun's life, eliminating the opportunity that his father has to completely wipe out Hyun Jun from this world forever. Or maybe is he killed by his girlfriend? If that is so, why would she do that?

Aching with a great pain, I force myself to sleep. For the first time ever in my life, I cry in my sleep.

Don't Go, My Love (B2ST Hyunseung) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now