Chapter 11 - Lucky

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I stay at the hospital all by myself for about two hours. My mind recaps every single incident that has happened.

I hope that things are going to get better. My life has really changed right after I meet him. I finally realise that my life is not meaningless.

In fact, I really am a lucky girl. My foster mother really loves me and surprisingly, I am able to meet her again. I also start to appreciate my parents and sister who actually are the ones who care for me a lot. They are the ones ready to accept me when I am torn and battered.

I have already lost my hope to keep on living. However, the only reason that keeps me living is my late mother’s last wish which is for me to take a good care of myself. The only thing that she left for me is the bracelet made of seashells. I believe that it is my lucky charm.

I throw a glance throughout the window. The sky threatens to pour down a heavy rain. I know that sooner or later I would have to let him go. I let out a sigh. 

“You’re going to crack the ground if you sigh so hard like that.”

I stare at him in astonishment. “Can you please greet me first before saying anything?” Despite feeling a little bit annoyed of his sudden appearance, I smile. “Would you please stay with me today? And for the next days until you have to leave?” I ask him, hoping that he will say yes.

He waits for a moment and frowns. “Let’s see.”

“Why is it so? Are you leaving soon?”

He replies, “Oh, I am not so sure about that. In exact, I only have two more days to go.”

“Aren’t there three days left?”

He pauses to think. “On the day I first met you, it was the second day. I kept on searching you for one whole day the day before but I didn’t find you.”

I smile and say, “But you did find me. Or perhaps, it was me who found you.”

Laughing together, we chat for the rest of the day.

At around nine o’clock, the boys come in. Gikwang teases Yoseob. Dujun stops them from keep on teasing each other.

“Please, behave guys! For God sake, we are in the hospital.”

“Yes, hyung. We will...” Their eyelids drop. “...a few hours later!”

They all erupt into laughter. Even I laugh. 

Dongwoon tries to change the atmosphere, becoming more serious. “Is Hyunseung here?”

I nod in confirmation. “Yes, he is here. In fact, he has been dying to communicate with all of you.”

He rolls his eyes. “It’s very funny, Tiara.”

Gikwang says. “I am sorry, Hyunseung. I never thought that we will be apart so soon. Please forgive me for the bad things that I have done towards you throughout the time we have been together. But still, I love you so much. And that is as a friend.” He grins.

All other members apologise to him.

“I am very sorry guys for the bad deeds that I have committed to all of you. I know, sometimes I could be quite annoying.” Hyunseung says.

I interrupt him, “It’s good that you know.”

He ignores me and continues, “I also want to tell you the truth that I have a twin.”

I explain to the boys for him. I tell them about the things that have happened in his past. They are all surprised to know the fact.

Junhyung asks, “But how come you never tell us? Why would you hide it?”

I look at him, waiting for an answer.

He replies. “I also feel bad for not revealing the truth. However, I think it’s for the best. If anyone ever knows about us, it won’t be good for the image making of the group.”

As I explain to the boys his answer, they nod. I add. “Never mind then, I will bring you guys to meet him sooner or later. He is now at the mental hospital, but his health condition is getting better. I bet he would be thrilled to see you guys.”

They all cheer to the suggestion.

We continue chatting in the hospital ward until it is late midnight. Gikwang has even fallen asleep on the chair. They all decide to go back home. Hyunseung sits on the chair right next to the bed to keep me a company.

As I get sleepy, he whispers at my ears. “Good night, my princess. Have a sweet dream of you and me.”

Don't Go, My Love (B2ST Hyunseung) *COMPLETE*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz