Benny: What happened!?

I looked at what they were staring at and saw Y/N's room in flames. It wasn't even a room anymore, it was just a missing piece of the mansion now. Black fire covered what was left of the place and I heard the roar again. It was coming from inside. I saw a figure stand up in the fire. It was made up of black fire and had two big glowing red eyes as well as two wings. One was black and feathered while the other was made of bone and covered in the same black fire.

Jess: What the hell is that!?

Jill: It must have done this!

Ann: What about Y/N!?

Slenda: It must have him in there!

Jane: I'm going in!

Before Jane could even get near the room, the figure shot out and pinned her by the neck against the wall. Jill jumped at it to get it off Jane but it just smashed it's arm into her. I could now clearly see the figure. I was made up of black fire that formed a sort of cloak on it and held a large scythe. It had no face, just two sharp, glowing, red eyes. Then it spoke in a deep, double voice.


It brought Jane up and smashed her into the ground before throwing her into Clockwork, sending her flying.

???: WHERE IS IT!?

Slenda: What do you want!?


Ann: What are you looking for!?


I was shocked. Was this... no, it couldn't be. No way was this Y/N. But it fit. It was looking for a knife, and I just so happen to have grabbed Y/N's knife. I ran in front of the beast, holding the knife above my head.

Benny: Is this it!? 

It looked at it and down to me before reaching out to grab it. It took hold of the knife and I saw a wide white grin spread across it's face. It's grip on the knife tightened and it ripped it from my grasp.

???: You will be sorry.

The black fire faded away along with the wings. Once all the fire was gone, we saw Y/N standing there. He stood still for a moment before falling backwards. I reached out to grab him, but was too late. Fortunately, Ann got behind him just in time to catch him.

Jess: That was Y/N!?

Slenda: Even I don't have an explanation for this. We should ask him about it when he wakes up. Benny, I'd like to talk to you.

Benny: O-Okay...

I followed Slenda to her office and sat down across from her.

Slenda: Now Benny, why did you have Y/N's knife?

Benny: I-It was supposed to be a harmless prank! I was going to give it back afterwards!

Slenda: I don't know much about Y/N, but it seems that by stealing his knife, you angered him immensely. Because we didn't know he could do what he did, there won't be consequences, but if it happens again...

Benny: Right. I'll apologize when he wakes up.

Slenda: Good. You may go now.

I left the room and went to my own. It was undamaged from the explosion, so everything was intact. A few things fell off of shelves, but nothing serious. I sat on my bed and thought about Y/N. I felt so bad that I did that to him. I don't know what the knife means to him, but I wouldn't doubt it if he hates me now.

My Kind Of Hell! (Male!Reader x Fem!Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now