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The six of them had been walking for around ten hours, over rocks and grass, through water and mud and they had finally come to a calm clearing of fresh, green grass and a small tricking stream

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The six of them had been walking for around ten hours, over rocks and grass, through water and mud and they had finally come to a calm clearing of fresh, green grass and a small tricking stream. Sam started to unbuckle Bill while Rose and Frodo unpacked, Pippin and merry went to collect some food, Strider looked at them confused,    

"We do not stop till night fall." 

"But what about breakfast?"  Pippin rubbed his stomach. Strider looked at him one again with a look of 'are you stupid?' written on his face,

"You've already had it." 

"We've had one, yes,but what about second breakfast?"

"I don't think he knows about second breakfast pip." Merry whispered to his friend, pippin didn't look impressed,    

"What about elevenses, luncheon,afternoon tea, dinner, supper, do you think he knows about them two?"

"Wouldn't count on it." Then out of the bushes Strider lobbed an apple at them, merry caught it, looked at pippin and patted him on the shoulder. Then another one got thrown at pippin and he caught it this time.


As they continued walking on and on and on until they reached  a swamp,it wasn't the most pleasant  place in the world but it was nearing night fall so they had to cross it. Once over, Strider lead them to a large ruin,

"This was once the great watch tower of Amonsule. We shall rest here tonight." As they climbed up the massive ruin Strider unwrapped a small parcel, within were daggers and hobbit sized swords,  

"theses are for you. Keep them close, I'm going to have a look around. Stay here. " He said while handing them out.

Frodo had gone to sleep but awoke to see the rest of the hobbits had lit a fire and were now cooking food,

"What are you doing?" Frodo yelled, looking at the hobbits in amazement, could they really be that stupid to light a fire when there were nine Nazguls looking to kill them?

"Tomatoes, sausages, nice, crispy bacon." Merry shrugged. Sam held out a leaf of nice cooked food,

"We saved some for you Mr Frodo." 

"Go on, join us." Rose insisted, Frodo moved the wood with his foot distinguishing  the fire.

"Put it out you fools, put it out." 

"That's nice ." Pippin sarcastically grunted,

"Ther's   ash on my tomatoes." he finished. Then they heard it, that dreaded scream. Peering down the side of the mountain they saw them, all nine, there black capes hiding there faces, there true form. The hobbits uncovered there weapons and ran down to get themselves into a suitable fighting position, they stood back to back there daggers at the ready. The beasts came, walking slowly, there long swords ready to kill.

" Back you devils ." Sams dagger clashed with the ring wraiths sword, Frodo had his Sword out ready to protect but stumbled back and dropped his only means of defence. The Nazgul came closer but before he could stab Frodo Rosalie jumped in the way, she knew she was no match for the demon but she could give Frodo some time to get it together. As the chink of the mettle clashed together she was thrown back by the shear force of the sword, her small dagger shattering into tiny peaces. This gave Frodo the time to slip the ring on but it was no use, the pointed tip of the blade had pierced his skin. Strider had come back, welding a much stronger blade than any of the hobbits.  

"Frodo!" Sam had spotted him and was now running to him, "Frodo."

"oh Sam." Frodo seemed happy to see him, his cut still unbearably painful. Rose came over and knelled beside him, Strider chased off the remainder of the wraiths before coming over to see how Frodo was,  

"He's been stabbed by a morgle blade. This is beyond my skill to heal, he needs elfish medicine." With that he picked Frodo up and carried him off, the others following.

"But we're six days from Rivendell, we'll never make it." Sam worried. They had stopped at a clearing, there were stone trolls caved into the rock, Sam had said that they were the trolls that Bilbo had told in his story's to make him feel more at home. Frodo's eyes were swollen and his pupils had turned into almost noting, pippin let out a small cry,

"Is he going to die?" 

"He's passing into the shadow realm, he'll soon become a wraith like them." Strider informed them.

"Sam do you know of the atherlass?" He added.


"Kings foil?"

"Kings foil's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poison. Go find it, hurry." Sam scurried into the bushes, searching for the plant Strider had told him of. The ranger helped to, he found it but just as he went to cut a peace off a sword stopped it.

"What's this? A ranger caught off his guared?" a female voice hummed.


She was Arwen, daughter of Elrond lord of Rivendell, an elf. She rode in to help Frodo, saying something in elfish then returning here speech to English,

"Frodo, he's faiding." She reported, strider chewed up the plant and placed it onto frodos cut from the sword.

"He's not going to last, we must get him to my father." The elf mumbled,

"There are five Wraths  behind you, were the other four are i do not know." She let Strider lift Frodo onto her beautiful wight horse. She rode away with the others staying behind, Rose didn't like this, she didn't like to be separated from him. Arwen rode as fast as she could, but no matter how fast she was going the Wrathes still found her, still found the ring. A twig caught her cheek on the way and left a nasty scratch. They rode till a river, Arwen had ridden to the middle of it a the Nazguls stayed on the bank.

"Give up the half ling she elf." One of them demanded.

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