Chapter 9- The Real Hero?

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Chapter 9- The Real Hero?

Lizzy's POV

I sit on my bed thinking about Nate's kiss. Not only did he kiss someone, but that someone just happened to be me! I have no idea what to do but I have to think fast. Should I date him? Should I consider him my real hero? But isn't Dad the real hero? But he didn't take me off the list! And Nate didn't really help either! Ugh! What should I do?

I skateboard to Damian's house and his dog answers the door. "Hi, Dexter! What's up? Where's Damian?" I say, rubbing behind his ears. "Hey, Dex, down! And hey, Lizzy!"

I smile as I walk in. "So, how's life?" I ask. He takes a sip of his coffee. "Fine."

I nod. "Something is wrong, Dame. Spill it."

"We broke up." he says. "With Ana?" I ask. Tears stroll down his eyes and he nods. "Come here." I say and we hug. He seems so depressed. "Anything with you?" he asks when we're done. I look down, trying to hold back the tears. "I'm getting put up for adoption."

Damian wipes a tear from his eye. "No, no, no! No you are not! Impossible! That's your own mom's problem!" I look at him. He doesn't understand! "Well, my 'mom' is Katy Perry!" He gapes at me. He mouths,"Wha????" I chuckle. I love when he does that. "You're funny." I say. "Okay, are we serious with the Katy Perry adoption thing?" he asks.

I nod. A tear escapes from my left eye.

As I sit on the couch, Dex comes up and licks my nose. I laugh. "Stop, boy, stop!" I laugh, trying to tickle him only making it worse. By this time he's at my mouth! Ew! Ugh! "Okay, okay, enough's enough!" I shout.

Dogs are soothing.

Maybe Dex is my real hero. No, no, no! He won't be there for me when I need him! Ugh, this is waaaay to complicated. Is Dame my real hero? Well, lets find out! I look Dame in the eyes and ask him for help. "Help? What can I do to 'help' you?" he asks.

"I don't know, save me from the orphanage?" I guess. He shakes his head. "I can help you through this, but I am sorry I can't help you." I nod. So, he's not the hero here. What should I do?

Maybe the hero is a girl. I call my friend Ava, but her mailbox message comes on. "Hello!!! This is Ava! Havin' fun with the girls! I promise I will get back to you ASAP! I will TTYL!" She has got to change that. She told me she did that so if people call her they'll think she's always having fun instead of home doing homework. She thinks that's what'll make her popular. Just watch when she gets a boyfriend and he comes over to the house and says,'Hey, where are the others for the party? I wanna have fun! And why are the parents still home? Why are you doing your homework?!' That'll be hilarious. He'll think she has someone do her homework for her. She'll be like,'Oh, um, I kind of, well, exaggerated I guess?' Yeah right! He would think she lied! Which she technically did! He would tell the whole school she's a phony! I have got to see that! Wait, I am not being a good friend here. But it all hooks up with my humor.

My phone rings and I scramble to get it but then it falls onto the floor and the screen shatters. "You are freaking kidding me!" I shout in frustration.

I pick it up and try to use it, but I cut my finger trying to use it. I curse under my breath until I hear someone. "Need some help?" he asks. "Oh, um, yeah, my phone just shattered." I say. He is cuuuuuute! He even has a British accent! "Alright, love. I'll replace it. It's my father's job. He passed it on to me. Would you like to come to my office with me to fix it?" I smile. He is truly adotes! "Sure! I'd love that!" By this time I'm outside on Dame's farmer's porch. "Bye, Dame! Bye, Dex!" I squeal.

I walk down the steps with him. "What's your name, love?" he asks as we get into his truck. "Oh, um, Liz." I answer. "Louis is my name."

By the way, you pronounce the S at the end of his name.

"That's handsome." I say. He chuckles. As I open the window, in the corner of my eye I see him shaking his head smiling. "We're here," he says. "My office."

As I get out, I take a look at the place. 'Louis's Phone Replacement' is what it says. "Hmmmm.... cool!" I exclaim.

He gives me an iPhone 5c for my replacement and for free! He helps me with all my stuff and then we go to the park and have ice cream. After we sit down, we talk for a bit. "You are beautiful." he says. "Thanks," I say. "It's a natural talent." He laughs and we look at each other for a bit. Then we kiss. Just like that. BOOM! I GOT MYSELF A BOYFRIEND! When we are done, I smile. I go towards my ice cream cone to lick some ice cream but then I see Nate staring at me on his skateboard. He quickly skateboards away. "So, dating?" asks Louis. I nod and get up. "I have someplace to be." I say and get up. "Alright." he says and smiles. I smile back and chase Nate.

"Dude, this is like a wild goose chase!" I yell. "It is just a boyfriend!"

He skates faster and comes to a short stop, so I fall on him because I was running too fast. "Whoa, um, sorry." I say as I get up and wipe the dirt off.

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