Chapter 12-Chaos

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Chapter 12-Chaos

Katy's POV

I can't take it anymore! I made a huge mistake! I miss Lizzy so much! I can't believe this! Why did I give her to Shannon?! Shannon loves her now! She isn't gonna let Lizzy go, and Lizzy isn't gonna wanna come back! John looks out the window sadly. He is smoking a cigarette in the house! "John! You promised you would never smoke in the house!" I huff. He just looks at me and rolls his eyes followed with another one of his dirty looks. "Don't you look at me like that!" I shout. "ARE YOU KIDDING?! I CAN TREAT YOU HOWEVER, CONSIDERING YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER AWAY FROM ME!!!!! AND YOU'RE YELLING AT ME?! YOU ARE AN INSANE WOMAN, I SWEAR! YOU ALMOST HANDED HER TO A LADY WHO WAS GOING TO TORTURE HER BADLY! AND YOU ARE YELLING AT ME?! Get a life, Katy." Oh my goddess. He is right!

I have been treating him so badly! He takes the cigarette out of his mouth as he takes a bad drug out of his pocket. "What are you doing?" I ask. He shoves the drug into his mouth as he walks towards the fridge.

"Drinking." he replies as he gets a bottle of alcohol out of the fridge. He takes a couple swigs and puts it on the counter.

I roll my eyes at him. "Just because you-" but then I stop. I was about to say,'Just because you lost a child, doesn't mean you start acting like this!' But I know that is wrong to say. I am the one who made him so miserable in the first place!

I am not sure he still loves me.

"D-do you still love me?" I ask.

He looks at me suspiciously. "Why do you care?"

I roll my eyes.

"Because I still love you." I say, looking down.

"You expect me to love you?" he whispers.

I shake my head, sadly. I am soooo done.

He looks at me with sad eyes. But there is not just sadness in them. He is about to start one of those huge speeches. "That is what I thought." he says. I give him a look, telling him to go on. But then he just shrugs. Just like that. "You are not making a huge speech?" I ask. He shakes his head. Some news to me!

I hear something walking in. Cooper woke up. We are bringing him over it Shannon's in a half an hour. I insist on staying home, but John wants me to come. I feed Cooper, and then I decide to just leave and get it over with.

I get Cooper in the white Ferrari and John gets into the passenger seat.

Once we get there, I see Lizzy and say I want her back. Then........pure chaos.

Lizzy's POV

Katy yells at Shannon because she wants me back.

"It is most definitely not my fault that you gave her to me! I fell in love with her! We are mother and daughter forever!"

Katy rolls her eyes, impatiently. And then they all get in to this crazy fight with chaos all over. I try to stop them, only making it worse.

But it is really no use! is the chapter? How do you like it? Sure, it is short, but that is okay.......right? Well, enjoy!

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