Chapter 6- Another Mother

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Chapter 6- Another Mother

Lizzy's POV

I am in the car right now going to the Adoption Center to meet women. Katy wants me to meet people incase they're ever my parents. ( She is so mean sometimes!!! ) She keeps telling me how nice they are. "You know, there's a girl named Judy and she has adopted six kids! She had three kids! You would be one of ten kids!" says Katy excitedly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not sure about thissssssss!" I say. I'm so sad. Katy is abandoning me. Crazy, huh? Cray-cray! I don't know what I'm gonna do. What if that Judy girl is like Cinderella's step mother or something? What if her kids are brats? Hold it, hold it, I don't even know if she will be my new mother! This stuff is so annoying sometimes! Ya know, Katy telling me about the new mother thing trying to excite me is just making this more painful.

Waaaayyyyy more painful! I mean...... seriously! This is just so unmeaningful! Yeah, I know that's not a word. But get over it! I'm about to get adopted I'm going crazy!

"Here we are." says Katy, with a relieved tone. Probably because she is relieved she doesn't have to see me anymore. "Hi, I'm Judy!" says a sweet lady in a red dress with a red handkerchief with white dots on it around her neck. "I would love to be another mother!"


This will be a while.

Katy's POV

I kiss Lizzy goodbye while she gives me a disgusted look on her face. "I will pick her up at 5:30pm." I inform Judy, not only a mother of nine kids but also the owner of The Adoption Center.

I can barely handle one kid! I get in my car and drive away. My phone starts ringing so I put it on my car speaker. "Hello?" I answer, not bothering to look at the caller ID before I answer.

"Katy, where are you and Lizzy?! I wanna see my little girl! If you ever actually MEANT you were going to put her up for adoption, I would be HEARTBROKEN!" says John. Uh-oh! "Uh, I'm driving home. She's, uh, at a um, ya know, um, birthday party! Yeah! I didn't wanna draw attention to myself so I didn't stay." Okay, that was cheesy. "Okay, when is she getting picked up?" asks John. "5:30pm." I answer. "What's the address? I'll pick her up." Oh no. He did NOT just ask that! "Um, I will pick her up, don't worry." Save by Perry! Bode almost scored! "No, you need to rest. Tell me the address NOW. I may not be picking her up, but I at least wanna know where my daughter even is."

That's a pity.

"The address? Um..... 949 Pocket St."


I have no words.

"I c-can't r-r-raise a ch-ch-ch-ch-" I can't even say the word child. I cant! It's just too painful!

"She is get-getting anoth-another m-mother and that is that." I say. The last four words I didn't stutter! I'm makin' progress!

I have no idea what to do. Why did I do this to my husband?

John's POV

I have no idea what she's going to do. Why did she even do this to her own husband?

My daughter is getting another mother


which means she is getting another father. Different story. There are fathers all over the world and at this point, I care about Lizzy the most even if she will soon be adopted by someone else.

Lizzy's POV

I cannot believe what this lady is making me do. We are having tea parties. Since I have bad manners,

( I said I hated tea parties under my breath. ) they have me tied up in a chair. I don't even think my dad knows about this. I can just live with him and Katy can move out. If I'm getting another mother, the other mother most likely will not be engaged with my dad or something. Honestly, I wouldn't even like THAT. I really wanna have my regular family again but when you think about it......... it's not the same when Katy isn't Melissa Bode. It would've been easier that way. She always used to go on "business trips" which were apparently Katy Perry's concerts. Also, I can't believe how long Katy has been lying to me. Like, seriously? Why would she do that? Why not just say she's Katy Hudson Perry Bode? That is who she basically is.

She knows she made a huge mistake that's for sure.

"How's your tea, you little brat?!" says the girl with a tiara on. "It's fine, spoiled princess." I reply.

"Oh, no you DIDN'T!" she says.

Haha! This will be hysterical!

"Oh, yes I DID!" I say about to laugh.

"How about you two have a contest," says the girl next to her. "Stacy, you start. Whoever can't think of any bad names left loses."

"And no copying or repeating." I say.

"3....2....1? GO!" says Stacy, apparently the girl with the tiara on.

"Lobster bug!"

So that's how it's gonna go? Names with no meanings? Haha, this will be a while.

Nate's POV

I am at home wondering if Katy is actually putting Liz up for adoption.

How cruel would that be?!

She probably is, considering she kept screaming about it in the hospital. Im getting my wheelchair in a week, so I have to stay in bed. At least I have The Xbox One in my room so I don't get bored. Just a week from today, I'll be rollin' around!

That'll be fun.

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