You Know Hetalia Has Conquered Your World When...

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You Know Hetalia Has Conquered Your World When...

A/N: This is only a list of things I've actually done- no suggestions accepted. To be updated sporadically.


1. History/Social Studies/Geography is your favorite class (obviously).

2. You either A) ace the class because you're so into it, or B) fail it because you're too busy fangirling to pay any attention to the actual material.

3. You name other kids in your class after countries. Teachers, too.

4. Your texting/email signature is "Hasta la pasta~!" or something else Hetalia-related, and you take great joy in explaining it to people.

5. At least half the time when you open your mouth, something related to Hetalia comes out.

6. You sit through history class giggling like a fangirl even when the rest of the class is asleep.

7. You order a ton of Hetalia crap off of Amazon.

8. You quote Hetalia in the middle of everyday conversations, or randomly scream lines from the show.

9. Practically all the fanart/fanfiction you draw/write is for Hetalia. It also gets in the way of your studying.

10. You stay up incredibly late doing Hetalia-related stuff online (reading fanfiction, watching AMVs, etc.).

11. You read/write country x reader stories without shame.

12. You have a Hetalia-related quote or scenario for everything.

13. You doodle Hetalia characters, pasta, etc. constantly... On all your schoolwork, homework and books.

14. You draw Hetalia in art class.

15. You go around singing the Japanese themes to yourself all day long.

16. Your family is absolutely sick of hearing about Hetalia.

17. So are most of your friends.

18. You try and convert everyone you meet to be a Hetalian.

19. You refuse to date unless you meet your real-life Hetalia crush(es).

20. You speak in an accent or use your favorite character's verbal tics on a regular basis.

21. There are certain words that you will never be able to say normally ever again. Panda, vodka, and pasta are prime examples of this.

22. You write about Hetalia in language arts class.

23. In pretty much every class, you try and make some connection to Hetalia.

24. You know about tons of countries and their relationships to each other, and regularly say things to surprise your history teacher.

25. You also know about lots of events that your parents/history teacher/other adults haven't the foggiest idea of what you're talking about.

26. Every time you hear the name of a favorite country, you squeal. And everyone looks at you funny.

27. Whenever someone mentions a disaster that happened to a country, you feel horrible visualizing that country in pain.

28. You write and draw Hetalia during all your classes.

29. You watch other anime and are surprised that the episodes are so long.

30. You laugh like Prussia/Spain/France often... and aren't even aware that you're doing so. o_o;

31. The music you listen to is pretty much exclusively Hetalia.

32. Your favorite video game is HetaOni and/or Gakuen Hetalia~!

33. You see an alien and scream "TONY!"

34. When someone does or says something that reminds you of a Hetalia country, you say "That was so [country name here]!" (ex. Random perverted classmate guy blatantly pointing out that my friend's bra is visible through her shirt. My response: "That was so French of you!")

35. You hear the name of a country and immediately a certain word comes to mind. (i.e. America = hero or Italy = pasta)

36. You start a Hetalia blog~!

37. You see a national flag and instantly shout either the country's name or a nickname (Black Sheep of Europe, Francey-Pants, Who?, etc.)

38. You make a list like this.

39. Hetalia helped you get over your strong objection to yaoi material.

40. You watch/download/make/listen to tons of Hetalia ten-minute challenges.

41. All the "Recommended For You" videos on YouTube's homepage are Hetalia ones.

42. All your computer/phone/etc. backgrounds, icons and themes are Hetalia.

43. You use Hetalia as an icebreaker when conversing with total strangers.

44. You roleplay Hetalia with your friends at school. (I'm Japan! :3)

45. You've more or less memorized a billion versions of Marukaite Chikyuu/Hatafutte Parade/character songs.

46. You dream of Hetalia. (MY BEST DREAM EVER WAS WHEN JAPAN AND I GOT MARRIED *spazzes*)

47. You show your history teacher Hetalia.

48. You also make him a "Make Pasta Not War" poster. X3

49. When you start singing or talking yourself in Japanese, those who overhear you immediately ask, "Is that that Hetalia stuff again?" (Even when it's not.)

50. You and your bestie greet each other with: "It's Spain the Boss..." "...and Chibiromano!"

51. You make Hetalia t-shirts and wear them with pride, even when the occasion calls for something more formal.

52. Phrases such as "Hasta la pasta", "What the crapola", "Me no rikey", and "Herro, I'm very preased to meet you" are commonplace in your everyday vocabulary.

53. You get yelled at repeatedly for chanting "Dumbledora the explorer" under your breath.

54. When at the grocery store in the pasta section, you sing bits of Italy's character song (Let's Boil Hot Water!) and hum "pasta" repeatedly, seriously weirding out any store employees who may be nearby.

55. When forced to do housework, you prance around, sing, hum and talk like Chibitalia.

56. You amuse yourself by inventing Hetalia crack pairings. (My newest favorite is Spain x Japan. I'm working on a drawing of them now. Either one could be fem! also... they're just so cute.) XD

57. Your America plushie is your number one confidant and constant companion.

58. You type "Romano" whenever you mean to type "romance".

59. Just hearing Spain sing reminds you of why the heck you're still taking Spanish classes.~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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