the story about Jeremy

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So, Jeremy is a boy i knew since i was 3 years old.

we were best friends when we where little, but when we got to the age of 5 he asked me to be his girlfriend (so ridiculous how young we were) and i said yes.

We were so happy and nothing could destroy us. I thought.

After me and my family moved to Luxembourg we tried to keep our relationship work but that didn't work out as well as we thought it was going to. I had facebook but he didn't so that was conflict number 1 (whoohoo). We couldn't speak to eachother for days and sometimes even months that wasn't the thing i was worried about it was the thing my friends told me about him.

After about 2 years in Luxembourg my friends told me something that was so bad i would never forget and i couldn't trust him anymore. All my friends told me he was cheating on me with my bestie. the first time i heard that i was so angry and pissed of, but after a while i just started to ingore him.

Every year my old school does like a party were every class has to perform, and that year i really didn't want to go but i decided i had to go see my old friends. We didn't even spoke or look to eachother, it was so hard to forget him.

But my world got better when in school something happend...



thanks to all of you who reads my story.

please vote this story and follow me, i hope you enjoy it so far and i wil continue.

if you want to ask me something you can Always find me on instagram: @anse7

or you can comment me on my profile on wattpad :)

hope you'll enjoy and goodbye ;) .

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