The Test

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I woke up with my hands around my Blogger. His breathing was even and deep, proving that he was still sleeping. Noticing our surroundings I hugged John tighter. The floor outside of where we were sitting was cold, and just touching it made me shiver. 

After about 10 minutes, John was beginning to regain consciousness, so I pet his hair softly until he was awake. He took one look at me, and shrieked in alarm. That was when I realized I was in pain. John got up and looked around the room, trying to find anything that would help ease my pain. When I started to get up, I realized it was a bad idea when a sharp pain went through my ribs. 

"Oh shit Sherlock. Careful there, I think you have a broken rib." He sweared intensely before examining me again, and noticing the 3 broken fingers, multiple large cuts and bruises and some smaller ones as well. After the examination, he ran around the room, looking for things to help me out with. I tried to be helpful, but the room had started spinning after a few minutes and I had to shut my eyes.

"Alright Sherlock, I'm gonna do the best I can for now, so try to be tough, some of this might hurt a bit." I could only manage to nod slightly before he got to work. Staying silent was nearly impossible, but I went as deep into my mind palace as possible, into my favorite room; the John room. This was the old solar systems room, before I had met John and my fascination had begun. Sure, it was a little odd, but I couldn't help it; he was the only person who seemed to genuinely care about me for who I was, instead of what I could do. 

"Sherlock!" John was practically screaming. I snapped out of my mind palace and focused on him the best I could. "Thank goodness, it's been a long time. I can't tell you exactly, but I think it's been at least a few hours." I was shocked. How had this happened? It felt lime I'd just closed my eyes. John looked at me warily, but I smiled as much as I could without causing too much pain to try and reassure him. He leaned in slowly, and gave me a soft kiss.

"Hope I'm not interrupting" the voice of Jim Moriarty said from the doorway. The click from the door resounded through the room, as Jim strolled in. "Hello boys, pleasure to see you again. I'm glad that Johnny here chose this instead of the alternative, that wouldn't have been nearly as much fun." My confused look must have been obvious, because he turned to John with an amused smile.

"Go on then Johnny, tell him what happened," He taunted. John took a deep breath and looked at me with a look of determination.

"Last night, before they left, they left the keys to outside on one desk, and the ones to your room on another. Then, they told me that I had to choose one, and I picked the one to your room." He looked a bit fearful of my retort, but I couldn't be mad. He had chosen me, even after all I'd done to him. A tear of joy slid down my face before burying itself on a piece of John's old shirt. While John had been explaining what had happened, I noticed Jim eyeing my boyfriend's bare chest. My eyes narrowed aggressively at him, but he just gave me a smirk of satisfaction before staring again.

John finally noticed his look and my reaction, so he walked over and sat down next to me. Just seeing this gesture made me feel better, especially since he would have been taught to never sit down near the enemy. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, careful not to hurt me at all before turning back to Jim.

"I see then," Jim's face had become one of destain, probably aimed at me for being with John. All of the looks in the world couldn't stop me from loving John though, so I wasn't worried. "Well, as I was saying earlier, things can get interesting now." he said with a malicious smile while gesturing for Seb to walk into the room.

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