Chapter 2- The Party

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"Eill, you didn't have to blind fold me just to drive me to a party." I say. I hate being blindfolded, because I'm kind of scared of the dark.

"You can't know where it is." I can hear excitement in her voice. "Maybe you'll even meet your special someone there."

"I doubt that" I say, partly, because every time she tries to get me into a relationship, it never works. Either I make a fool of myself or I just don't like the person or they don't like me.

I can hear loud music getting closer and I know we are almost there.

When the car stops, someone reaches out and takes my hand as I step out, the music suddenly stops.

"Ok, you can take off the blind fold."

As I peep under it, about 100 people shout "Happy Birthday". And then the music starts again.

About an hour after that, I sit at the bar. Most of the people are drunk and dancing. I, on the other hand, am sober. Oliver, my bodyguard, my driver and best friend, spots me and sits down beside me.

"Hey, you should have fun. It's your party. I know it's not your thing, but you're 17 and a little drink won't hurt you"

"Oli, I don't want to. Go have fun, I prefer to be sitting here instead of dancing." Dancing is something I ultimately hate. Probably because I'm not good at it. I can't walk on a straight surface without tripping over my own legs.

Then, somewhere beside the pool, people start shouting and Oliver runs there to stop the fight. I turn to the barman and order another drink. *BEEP*

I open my phone to see a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Bitch! Having fun? I see that a warehouse burned down. Interesting. I wonder who did it. Wanna know who stole 250 million from your petty friend's bank account? These things are worthless and useless. Just wait until the real fun starts. In the mean time, you should order yourself another San Francisco. Xxx

What the hell! I look around, trying to spot who sent the text. But there is too much people here, and more are still coming. I've received lots of hateful messages but this one seems to stand out. An unknown number that probably can't be traced.

I can't stay here any longer. Just in case. Last year, someone tried to kill me, in the process killing one of my bodyguards. I don't want it to happen again.

I dive into the crowd and try to find Eill. At last I found her, dancing her ass off in the middle of the dance floor.

"Eill, I want to go home. Can I have the car keys? You can drive with Kate or Nati."

"Yeah, sure.... wait, is something wrong, why are you leaving so early, the party just started. And it's your birthday. Have some fun. The birthday girl can't leave." Eill shouts over the music. Clearly she is drunk.

"I need to go." And with that I grab the keys and push my way through the crowd to get to the parking lot. I drive home with the message on my mind. Who would have sent it? Barely anyone knows that Nati got robbed. Only the crew in Browne Enterprises know about the fire. I made sure the media didn't find out. And that person was someone close, because he or she was at the party.

As I drive into the parking, Karen, greets me.

"Hey, Alex, back so soon. I thought it was your birthday party and Kate said it will be epic."

"Yeah, it was fine. Wanna go watch a movie or something?" I need to free my head.

"Sure, but don't forget you have a flight on tomorrow at 2."

We spend the night watching IT and screaming.

Alex Alison Browne |G.D.|Where stories live. Discover now