Chapter 2

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"You're early this morning." Delfina said as she entered the kitchen. The false surprise in her voice made me smile. In the months I'd been here I'd come to see Delfina as a sister, of sorts. "Well, they say the early bird gets the worm. So I figured I'd be the bird this time." I said continuing to scramble my eggs.

Delfina looked at them. "I can watch you forever and never understand your ways of cooking." I smiled. " Want some?" "Of course, I do. I may not understand your ways of cooking, but that doesn't mean that I don't like them.I love your cooking"

"Everyone says that."

"It just shows that they have good taste."

I split the eggs up and put the portions on plates. Delfina took a plate and scooped up a mouth full of eggs. "Yum! Don't you ever leave us. I don't think I could continue living without your cooking."

"Don't exaggerate."

"I'm not."

I laughed. "You should smile more often. Happy is a good look on you." We eat our breakfast. Than I washed the dishes and made Muso a breakfast of toast and coffee. I walked down to his room. Once I got to his door I rearrange my load and knocked on his door.

"Come in."

"Good morning, M'lord." I sat the tray down and opened the curtains.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'm'lord'?"

"As many as you like,M'lord." We both giggled at this. It was strange. I had grown strangely attached the people at the house. I also realized I was smiling and laughing more too. I mean sincerely laughing. It was almost nice. I continued trying to brighten the room. Muso was suddenly quiet. "Is something wrong?"



"I've been thinking. You've been here a while , and I know it was supposed to be temporary, but would you consider staying permanently?" I looked at him and smiled. "I'd love to."

The door burst open. Delfina came running in, obviously listening in on our conversation. "Congratulations! Now I don't have to worry about your leaving and the guests being disappointed because my cooking isn't as good as yours." She said. All I can say about Delfina when she gets like this is Keep her away from the coffee.

I was so happy. I didn't even realize I had started to cry. "Oh. don't cry. I was only playing." I laughed through my tears. This was possibly the best day of my life. I looked at Delfina and Muso. "Don't worry. These are tears of joy."

"Good. I was wondering why you were the one crying when I was talking about me. And I won't feel bad about making you work early tomorrow." I groaned. I hated mornings. Suddenly, I smelled smoke. Delfina and I looked at one another, and with that one look we knew something was very wrong. 

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