Chapter 1

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We had been walking for hours. When we finally made it to the village we were met with plenty of warm welcomes. It felt nice, so I decided to ignore the whispers behind me. Than we arrived at his house. It was huge. It was the kind of house that you just have to take one look at to know that it was expensive. I stopped. "Wow."

"I'll have Delfina take you on the tour and help get you set up. Oh, and don't worry her bark is worse than her bite." He turned around and walked out of the room. I decided to take the opportunity to look around. The room was covered in silver. There were countless gold artifacts. The windows were all draped with silver and gold silk. White marble tiles covered the floor. In the most basic terms it was beautiful. "Hello." Said a female voice. "Your must be the new girl, Mina." I turned around to see a woman. If my instincts were correct, which they usually are, was in her mid-thirties.

"And your must be Delfina."

"That I am. So, I have a few questions I need your to answer, alright."

"Fine with me."

"How old are your?"


"Are you married or being courted?"


"Do your have any family?"


She paused. "I'm so sorry." I could tell this really disturbed her, although I don't know why. "It's fine. They've been dead for years. Besides, I don't really remember them." It really didn't matter to me anymore. Although Delfina didn't look very convinced. "Alright, last question. Would you like to be part of our entertainment group?" she asked. The way she said entertainment you would have thought she was offering me and infants head on a platter.

"No. I don't think so." Her smile told me she approved of my answers. "Alright. Welcome to the team. So since you're not on entertainment your will be cooking, cleaning, and serving. Your and I are the only ones who can, because we don't want any of our girls to be diminished in any way. So your and I have to run the house. We are the backbone around here. We keep the master, entertainment girls, and whatever passersby are here."

Form there we went down a long hallway. We entered a large room. There was a large stove. Pots and pans were every where. We walked to the center of the room. To my left I saw two large doors. I assumed that those were the cooler and freezer. "This is the kitchen." Said Delfina. She walked over to one of the doors. "This is the fridge. And this is the freezer." She walked over to the cabinets. "You can find any dry ingredients in here."

We went back out to the hall. We stopped at a door. "This is the bathroom. We are possible the only house with and indoor bathroom."

We continued on down the hall. We entered a small simple room. In the room there was a straw mattress, a small table, two cushions, a blanket, and a window. The window only offered a small view of the village. "This is your room. If your need anything or have any questions just let me know."

"I do have one question. Do I have to wear a uniform?"

"You will be provided with one, as well as food."

"Alright. Thank you."

"I will be expecting you first thing in the morning."


"Good night."


She shut the door. I opened my pack, pulled out a bag of my home made beef jerky, pulled out a few pieces, and sat at the small table. Than I returned the bag to my pack and ate my dinner. Then I changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.

Lost In Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें