Chapter 6

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"Come on it'll be fun." A woman said. She was the first foster placement manager, or foster mom, to kick me out before I could make a run for it. A younger version of me looked at her as if she had offered her a poison candy bar. "Come on." She said. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to a building door.

"No! I don't want to go in there." My younger self screamed. She struggled as if her very life depended on it. She was pulling on her arm, trying to get free. "No! I am a princess and I will not go in there. No." She carried out the no so it sounded more like off one of those cheap horror flicks. Poor girl.

In all the foster placements I've been in only two have kicked me out before I could make a break for it. First was this one. The other one kicked me out because I got in a fight with the bigger kids and gave one of them a black eye.

"No!" The girl's screams brought me back to the present. I followed after her into the building. When I entered the door she was sitting in a chair. Her arms were crossed over her chest. She looked like she would have prefer to be anywhere but where she was. " Next." the guy called. He walked over to the younger me. He smiled. " My, what lovely hair you have." He reached out and took her hand. And lead her to the chair.

"Remember if you're good I'll give you a lollipop."

She glared at the man. "I don't want your dirty candy. I don't want it." She than attempted two step on his toes but the lady grabbed her before she got close. The lady turned my younger self two face her. " Now you knock that off." She said. With that the lady picked the young girl up and swt her in the chair. The girl turned two face the man and said, "If your dare touch my hair you'll be sorry." The girl turned and sat on the chair confident that the man would tell the lady that he did not want to cut her hair. Than the man grabbed a handful of the girl's hair. She turned back two face him a swung her fist as hard as she could. Her fist connected and the man stumbled back. "I said don't touch my hair!" She screamed.

The lady took her to the social worker. "Why did your hit him?"

"Because he was being mean."

"Don't be ridiculous! He was trying to cut your hair." The lady said.

"I didn't want him to."

The social worker looked at me. " Why not? Don't you think it would look so pretty?"

"No! Besides Mommy and Daddy like my hair."

The lady started yelling. "Your stupid little girl. Don't you get it? Your parents area dead and they are never coming for you. No one loves you."

The girl puffed out her chest. "You're lying!"

She turned and ran out of the building. She ran to the park her mom and dad used to take her to, and crawled in the tunnel that most people thought was a safety hazard. That was when she started to cry.

"They're right. I am alone. No one will ever love me."

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