AdYra Ki Ishqbaazi Part 1:Nostaglia-

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Hola guys!

I'm back with a bang with a brand new chapter of Adyra. Sorry for not updating. I was busy and luckily I'm in home and you'll get update of Cupid's Assistant tonight.

This update may surprise you but I can't calm myself down after watching this.


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Amyra had left for her room. She was all tired after shopping, giving a peace of mind to Shivaay, eating her fav foods etc.

She had done a lot of work today. Now she needs her baby (i.e., her bed) in OM to lull her to sleep.

Though Amyra love her house and its warmness but her love for OM and its inhabitants are no less. She loved them to the moon. During her struggling days to become a fashion designer, when she came back to Mumbai during holidays, she used to stay here. She doesn't want to meet her father as they had a big tiff back those days and didn't want to face each other.

 She doesn't want to meet her father as they had a big tiff back those days and didn't want to face each other

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She entered the room. Discarding the handbag on her luggage, she stepped forward. Nostalgia hit her. This room was still the same as she left it. 

The same white bed sheet and same white pillows and the white duvet lied on the white bed with two nightstands at either sides with a night lamp and flower vases kept on it. A beautiful painting of blue bird painted by Om.

 A beautiful painting of blue bird painted by Om

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Amyra-"Om,why did you gift me the beautiful peacock painting?"

Omkara chuckled at the question.

He went near Amyra and bend on his knees. Keeping hand on her hand, he smiled a brotherly smile at her.

Om-"Amyra, thehistory, myth, legend and lore speaks that the peacock symbolism carries portents of: Nobility, Holiness, Guidance, Protection and Watchfulness.

But in Hinduism the peacock is associated with Lakshmi who is a deity representing benevolence, patience, kindness, compassion and good luck.

  Similar to Lakshmi, the peacock is associated with Kwan-yin in Asian spirituality. Kwan-yin (or Quan Yin) is also an , compassionate watchfulness, good-will, nurturing, and kind-heartedness.  

Legend tells us she chose to remain a mortal even though she could be immortal because she wished to stay behind and aid humanity in their spiritual evolution."

Amyra listened carefully to each word Om spoke.She dozed while listening to all of what Om spoke.

He wake her off sleep.

"You know why i gifted you this?"

She shaked her head in a no.

"I gifted this you because you are calm, compassionate, good-willed and kind-hearted just like the peacock. Just the epitome of beauty and a person whom I adore the most.The Best Di of the world."

He hugged her.


She walked to the painting and caressed it. Tears were rolling from her eyes. The scent of the paints made her hit the nostalgia. She missed it.


Sorry guys for the short update.

I know I'm not updating.

The reason of not updating is that I was busy with studies and I' doing a part time job too which makes me busy more than before

I'm going to have external exams soon in first week  of december.

So next update will be on 21-22 Novemeber.

I've assignments to complete.I really love you all and all my readers thanks for 4.4K reads

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