
"I have painted over thousands of pictures and I'd say this woman over was the most beautiful I had ever drawn. Tell me, are you from around here?"

"Nope, I am Aqua , the goddess of water..."

An awkward silence soon followed before the old man broke into another one of his usual laughs.

"Alright then Ms Goddess ... all the best of luck with the both of you and your newborn as well. "

Aqua was dumbfounded at the old man, pouting her lips in irritation before dragging Kazuma away along with her. Fuming at the Old man's apparent ignorance.

"That Old geezer hasn't met a Goddess..."


"Well, you don't even represent a Goddess that well anyways."

Aqua sprung around visibly affected by his insensitive comment, grabbing Kazuma's collars and shook them violently.


Her little tantrum would have to wait, as it was cut short by a thunderous rumbling noise.

The thought of exploring the city rendered both Kazuma and Aqua teething with adrenaline. Having ventured out of their villa without having consumed any form of breakfast beforehand has finally came back to bite them. With only an hour of walking for the hunger to settle in, and for Aqua's stomach to kick up a short fused tantrum.

So that was why Aqua's mood turned foul so quickly.

Kazuma's stares turn sardonic , with his lips curled into an evil grin. Almost as though he was about to assert some sickening form of dominance over her.

"So...you are hungry my dear Goddess..."

Aqua lightly clutched her over-sized tummy, nodding her head and whimpering in pity.




Tucked within the rows of whitewashed houses was a homely diner devoid of any form of tourist activity. Having done research prior to his trips comes with many perks, after all they are able to indulge in Silasel's indigenous cuisines without having to worry about jacked up prices and rowdy, self-entitled crowds.

Its walls plastered with wallpaper fitting the theme of a beach side restaurant with straw chairs and generic carved wooden round-tables. The layout and design was basic, even wavering between borderline tacky. However, the appearance of the restaurant does little to exemplify the quality of the dishes served.

Which were nothing short of fantastic.

Aqua was indulging in her smoked Salmon with wholemeal bread and Caesar salad, while Kazuma dug into a piping warm seafood Gratin.

The ingredients were fresh: Seafood having caught straight off the harbors, vegetables from the inland farms, cheese that melts in your mouth with every bite that left a lingering warmth down your throat.

It was a tear jerking moment for the both of them, crying out words of praise in unison at the restaurant staff.

"Wow this is amazing!"


Kazuma loaded spoon after spoon of gratin into his mouth, refusing to slowdown. However, Aqua had other plans as she eyed at Kazuma's dish like a hawk, eager to make away with a bite.

"Heh let me try..."

Aqua's hands were nimble, spinning her spoon between her fingers and scooping out a chunk of Kazuma's dish and stuffing it into her lips. She let off an triumphant smirk, firing sadistic glares at Kazuma.

Kazuma x Aqua: SaiseiWhere stories live. Discover now