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Dal's pov

I woke up on the curtis's couch with pony fast asleep in my arms. I kissed the top of his head and watched him sleep. He moved a little but didn't wake.

He looked so peaceful. BANG !! And now my peacefully sleeping boyfriend is suddenly wide awake. "Dam it two-bit, you can be really thick some times" i yelled at him. Pony was shaking a little from being half scared to death. "Its ok baby, its just that dumb ass two-bit". I pressed my lips on pony's. "Morning babe" he said to me with a small smile.

"I'm real sorry for wakin ya kid" two-bit apologised to pony. "Its ok" pony starts to say. "No its not" i glare directly at two-bit. Then i look at pony, "you barely got any sleep last night baby" i stroke his hair.

Steve and johnny both walk in the front door a little while later. "Hey sodapop, where are ya?" Steve yells. Both darry and soda are in the kitchen fixing breakfast. "In here, why" soda yells back.

"Got a call from the boss, he said you and i work to hard, and to take the day off" steve yelled back. "Woohoo, free saturday" soda started dancing around the living room. "Hey lets all do somethin today" he announced.

"Like what?" I ask. "Hey the rodeo's on today" two-bit suggests. "Ok i'm in" i shout. Man i love rodeos. There a great wet to let off steam without gettin into law involving trouble.

All of us boys except for darry (who has to work) all pile into steves car. Soda sits up front with steve, while the rest of us squeeze in the back. Pony sits on my lap to make a little more room.

When we get to the rodeo we spot buck. He looks to be makin a few bets. "Hey dally, just the man i wanna see" buck smirks. "Whatta ya need me for buck" i ask him.

"How do ya feel about racing today?" Buck asks. I look at pony, he doesn't seem too happy. "Come on babe, you know i've done this a hundred times before", i try to reasure him. "Be careful" he tells me.

"How about a kiss for luck baby" i kind of beg a little. He puts his head down. I grab his chin and kiss his sweet lips. He smiles while kissing me back. I leave the boys to go saddle up.

I am at the starting line waiting for the gun to go off.

Pony's pov

I know dals raced plenty of times, but it still doesn't stop me worrying about him. The boys an i are in the stands waiting for the starting gun to go off. BANG the race has begun.

I can see that dal's not too far behind first place. All of a sudden dal's horse starts to buck. Dally gets thrown what looks like twenty twenty feet in the air. He lands on the ground hard.

I race over to him with the rest of the guys not to far behind me. The paramedics are already pkacing him on a stretcher before i reach him. He is then placed in an ambulance.

We all get into steve's car and head to the hospital. When we arrive we are told we have to wait before we can see dallas. "God whats taking so long" i start to get anxious. At this point i'm tryin to fight back tears. I really didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

"Easy kiddo, you know how doctors are, the gotta make sure they check him thoroughly" soda trys to comfort me,  but it doesn't seem to be helpi g much.

A nurse comes out and tells us we can finally go in to dally's room. We all go in. Dal is in bed. He has one arm in a cast, and his ribs are bandaged up. I stay  back trying not to cry.

Dal's pov

When i came off that horse, i hit the ground real hard. I've broken my wrist and bruised a couple of ribs. The boys have all come in to see how i'm doin. The only person i really wanna see right now is pony. Gee i musta really scared the crap out of him.

I notice him standing behind the boys with his head down. I know this look on him. He's tryin to hold somethi back. "Hey guys, do ya think you's could leave me now. I wanna get some rest".

They all start to walk out. Pony is about to follow. "Pony, please stay" i beg. "Come over here baby" i gesture for him to hop on the bed. He lays down gently next to me. I place his head on my chest.

I feel some wetness on my bare chest where theres no bandages."promise you won't ever do that again" he sobs. I really felt like an ass, i never meant to scare him like that. "Its ok baby, i'm alright" i whisper stroking his hair with my good arm. He is comforted by my words and i notice his breathing has changed. My baby has fallen asleep.

After thirty minutes, soda pops his head back in. "Hey does pony wanna stay a bit longer or is he ready to go home now?" Soda asks. "Can you come back later, he kinda fell asleep and i don't wanna move him" i smile and soda agrees to come back at dinner time.

Both darry and soda show up at six o'clock. Pony is awake now but still lying with me on the bed. The doc has given the all clear for me to go home as long as i take it easy for the next few days.

The curtis's have offered to let me stay at their place. "Don't mind goin to bucks you know" i had told them. Pony gave me a pouty look. "How could i say no to that cute face" i say making him smile.

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