"but won't they..." she began, and then trailed off, for lack of being able to come up with a comprehensive sentence that would make any sense. didn't know what question she was trying to ask.

"don't worry. i'm just gonna grab my stuff that i left there and then we're going back to lyon," baekhyun stated, slowing the car down at the red lights.

the sun seemed to be transforming brighter by the minute, its rays beaming across the sky and through the clouds.

car was at a halt.

she understood that. she recalled being in a rush to the leave the house in monaco that morning, both of them filling their small bags to their extent and then driving away.

remembered that dark night, with the wind, the storm; sehun driving, her eyes stinging. thinking that baekhyun hated her. that's all she remembered thinking during that car journey.

roma felt the lump rising up in her throat.

"and then...what will we do?" she asked, apprehensively and quietly.

crossed one of her bare legs over the other.

baekhyun glanced over in her direction again. eyes locking. light turned green. engine rumbled once again, zooming away.

"whatever you want," he answered plainly, but radiantly. if that was possible. as if every utterance he spoke was open to interpretation.

roma leant back again into the back of the seat and thought deeply. she wanted to see mia and talk to her properly, ask her what happened, make sure that everything was okay. she wanted to go back to her flat, to restore some normality in her life. she wanted to phone her mum back home; hadn't spoken to her in absolutely ages.

she wanted baekhyun and her to be fine. for things to be normal for as long as possible. roma looked at his strong posture and the emanating beauty from his being and still couldn't believe how she'd possibly ended up in this situation.

wanted to love him like this for as long as she could cling on for.

"what are you thinking?" he asked her quietly.

eyes didn't leave the road through the front window.

roma smiled to herself.

"about how i just want to stay with you," she grinned, feeling a sudden emotional gush of happiness.

he let out a light, lovely laugh.

"yeah, reckon we can sort something out," he said jokingly, winking slightly at her.

roma laughed, throwing her head back against the seat.

her eyes closed slowly.

the sun still shone, still visible, even with her lids obscuring the vision.

a few hours must have passed.

she was suddenly awakened by the sound of gravel crunching beneath the tyres, as baekhyun swung the wheel around, parking the car between two others. her eyes took a while to adjust, to overcome her tired posture and limbs, but she managed, already recognising the tall-storey house, that belonged to them all. somehow.

late afternoon, maybe. the sun had a light, darker tint to it, overhanging the street full of homes, trees aligning the pavement. open windows. birds singing, the sun blinding her through the front mirror. awake, now.

"hey," his deep voice resounded. "sleep okay?"

roma sleepily stretched her limbs, arms and legs, looking over at baekhyun. key already out of the ignition, car door swung open, his smile still beaming softly. checking to see if she really was okay.

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