10: Trying to Live On

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It’s been a week since Natalie died. We’ve been working like crazy on the firehouse and to get it back to running. Our first order was to rebuild the Contaminant Unit to put all the ghost the guys and Nat caught during the time I was trapped.  

I looked down at the music box I was holding. It was one of the things I got from reading the will. It was surprising when she gave most of the things she owned to the guys and Janine. She only gave each of us a specific thing, the rest she said we could divide it up. She gave things to Mom, Dad, Uncle Cyrus, and Ellis.

“The firehouse looks better than before, doesn’t it?” Janine asked me hugging my arm. She was wearing the necklace Nat left her. She wore it often saying it helped her keep Natalie close to her.

“It really does,” Peter agreed looking up at it. He got her collection of records and any other music related thing she owned. Ray got all her magazines, Winston all her baseballs, and Louis received her notes and things.

“Nat would be proud,” Louis put in. It looked the same, but it looked cleaner, nicer, better. It was hard to explain it.

“I wish she could see it,” Ray spoke up. We still couldn’t get over how she was gone and there was nothing we could do to save her.

“Do you think she would come back?” Winston asked.

“I don’t think I could live with her if she did,” I answered.


“She wouldn’t be the same has a ghost.”


“So let’s go check out the new place,” Peter said moving his arms for us to look at. We all walked in and saw the normal things. We couldn’t bring ourselves to change anything since we’ve grown fond of what it looked like.

“So what should we do?” Janine asked. The phone started to ring and she answered it and wrote something down.

“What was it?” Ray asked.

“You all up for a call?” she asked giving me the piece of paper.

“We have to start working sooner or later,” I answered. We all ran into Ecto 1 and drove off. We got to the sight, took care of the ghost, the usual. Yet I could tell that this wasn’t the same. We didn’t have Nat blast a pack with us, or make a smartass remark about the catch. We didn’t have her smile, her laughter, the face she makes when the ghost is hard to catch, we just didn’t have her. It was still hard to do anything that we did with her now without thinking about her. We couldn’t do that with anything. Even the smallest thing reminds us about her.

“Come on guys,” Peter said upset as he placed the trap in the back of the car. We drove off to the firehouse and got out sadly. I saw the two workers and Slimer looking sadly at a picture, we saw that it was Natalie.

“I think we need a break for the night,” Winston said looking at the time. We all agreed and Louis and Janine left to go home and the rest of us climbed into bed. I heard Slimer cry and Peter sigh. I wanted to cry also. It was too hard to live without Natalie, but she was gone.

I slowly feel asleep, but I was awakened by something making noises near the door. I sat up and saw the others heard it also. We looked around and didn’t see anything.

“What is going on?” Ray asked and we shrugged. Then I saw a small light and knew it was a ghost.

“They are coming to us now!” Peter cried and we all jumped out of bed and threw on our packs. We no longer kept them just downstairs so we had gear with us in case something like Ligen doesn’t happen again. We got on our gear and ran after the light. I can barely make up a body has the light gathered around the body. Peter let his stream fly and he hit a picture frame. It nearly fell the thing reached out and caught it setting it down gently and kept running.

It ran down the stairs and it hid behind Janine’s desk. But first it gathered all the breakable things and the things Janine would hate to loss and sat them out of blasting zone. We all tried to hit it, but it didn’t work. It was too well hidden.

“Egon what do we do?” Winston asked and I looked around. I saw a mirror and pointed at it.

“Peter, Ray, hit the mirror. Winston and I will be ready with the streams. I’ll throw the trap,” I answered.

They nodded and in one movement two steams were bouncing off the mirror. The ghost yelled in pain and flew up in the air. It was getting more shape to it and I saw blue eyes looking down at us. Winston and I hit it again with our streams and it yelled out in a voice that sounded familiar.

“You know that sounds like-“ Peter started but the ghost fell and I could make out everything. Its hair was a blonde color and was up in a ponytail. Around the blue eyes was a pair of purple glasses with somewhat tan skin. It had on a brown shirt and black pants, just like what I Natalie had been put in to be buried in.

“Stop!” the ghost yelled holding up its hands. “You’re hurting me!”

“Natalie?” I asked dropping my stream has did Winston. The ghost stood up slowly, holding up its hands.

“Hi Egon,” my dead sister said waving at me. “Nice to see you all again.”

“Nat!” we all cried and ran over to her. We tried to touch her but our hands went straight through. She looked sadly at the ground.

“Sorry,” she said kicking her foot. “I was trying to get away and had to become like this. Give me a second.” She closed her eyes and more light gathered in her body. She smiled and hugged me, not going through. She moved to the others and smiled at them.

“What are you doing here?” Peter asked his voice filled with joy.

“They wouldn’t let me stay where I was,” Natalie answered sadly. “They said I had to keep my promise.”

“What promise?” Winston asked. Nat shrugged.

“I don’t know,” she answered. She glanced at Ray and smiled. “I know you want to take some readings Ray. Go ahead. I don’t mind.”

“Thanks Nat!” he cried like a little kid who just got a new toy. She laughed and he picked up the PKE meter and took a reading of her.

“What am I?” she asked in a teasing tone. He smiled.

“A class seven full torso spirit,” he answered. She smiled and looked at Slimer.

“I bet you by two classes!” she called and the ghost grumbled and left. Natalie laughed than sighed. She looked up at us and we looked back. Our friend and my sister was standing in front of us, a ghost of a Ghostbuster. It was heart breaking.

“I need your help.”

That is the last chapter guys! I’m done with Ghostbuster books forever!

Sparkles: You liar!

Yeah, I am. I have one more book, and it’s called Freeing Natalie. Suiting title, isn’t it? So look for that tomorrow. That’s all. Peace out my Stars!

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