1: The Date's Set in Stone

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It's been a year. One long year since I was freed from my prison and Egon was threatened. I don't even know how I feel about it. It's also been two weeks since I tested the book. So far we're all on our toes in case Ligen does somehow come back. No one is going to take Egon from us, at least not easily. We'll fight to keep my twin brother, but I'm not sure if it will be enough.

We were all sitting around the table, playing cards. I guess it was to take our mind off of things to come. Let's see, we were playing some game Peter told us with a name I couldn't remember. All I know is that Ray was winning. We were having a good time, but I don't think we were getting the goal we set. It was hard to forget that I was going to loss my brother to the same thing that took me so long ago. This time I'm not sure I can get Egon back or protect the world. Sometimes I swear I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

"Nat!" I heard Peter cry making me look up.

"What?" I asked.

"It's your turn," Winston laughed. "We've been trying to get you to look up for like a minute now. You okay?"

"I guess."

"It's about what's going to happen, isn't it?" Egon asked sadly. Ever since I told him the date that Ligen was going to come back, he's been more distant with us. I didn't like to see him this way.

"More about everything," I answered. "Ever feel like the world is on your shoulders?"

"Yeah," Ray told me. "We feel it when ever some crazy ghost or demon wants to destroy the world. Why?"

"Ever since I joined this job, all I've ever done was save someone or this whole world. I feel like everything that's happen is somehow my fault, and I get stuck cleaning up the mess. I don't know, I guess I really am upset since I won't be able to protect the one person I can't live without."

"Louis?" Peter asked.

"Egon," I corrected. "I don't' know how to stop Ligen from taking over his body or how to save him if and when he does. If I don't figure it out, I'm going to loss him."

We all sat in silence for a while. we didn't know how to save Egon from a fate that has been carved into his life. We wanted to be able to just wrap him up and lock him up like you would with a piece of gold. Egon was our gold and we didn't want anyone to steal him. I would do anything to keep my brother and friends safe. I feel like that will be important later. 

"Nat?" Ray asked me. I looked up and sighed. 

"Yes?" I asked back. 

"Do you think that one of us could Egon's place?" 

"I doubt it," I answered. "Not that I'm too upset about it. I would be just has hurt if it was one of you guys. Yet you didn't destroy Ligen's body and free me. He's only taking Egon' body has pay back for taking his. I hate to say it, but Egon has no way of getting out of this." 

"I was afraid of it," Peter sighed. "We're sorry Egon." 

"It's not your fault Peter," Egon told him. "If it is I ought to smack you." 

We all laughed, all but Egon. He seemed like he just wanted to curl up and die. That was what I would want to do if a demon was going to take my body. I had to sigh, but then I thought of something. 

"Egon, didn't you say you were going to do something before Ligen came?" I asked him smiling. I stood up and got the blue box Egon and I bought a while ago. He told me to force him to do what he was going to do since he was nervous. The guys smiled and I dragged Egon down to Janine's desk. 

"Yes?" Janine asked not looking up but hearing us. I placed the box in his hand. He gulped and walked over to Janine. He took her hand and made her stand up, and he got down on his knee and smiled at her. 

"Janine, I know I don't act like I love you," he started, her eyes wide and a smile on her face, "but you know I do. You know I can't get my emotions out to the ones I love. I don't tell my mother and sister I love them often. Well lately I've been showing off my feelings since a demon is breathing down my neck to take my body. I had to do this one this first, but I can't promise that we'll be standing at the alter together. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and that no matter what happens; ghost or demon, in fire or in water, at night or at day, I love you. I'll be able to get by with you by my side. Besides the guys can't cling to me, and it would be weird if Nat did it. So Janine Melnitz, will you marry me?" 

"Oh yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Janine told him throwing her arms around him. We all clapped and cheered for them. I had to smile at the two. I didn't know anyone better for my twin then Janine. 

"Way to go!" Ray cried. 

"I didn't know you had it in you Egon!" Winston told him, making us laugh. Janine placed the ring on her finger and kissed Egon. 

"I get another sister in law!" I said giving her the thumbs up sign. She laughed and smiled at me. My brother was going to give the perfect girl her happy ending after all. Now if only I could keep that happy ending going instead of it being ruined by Ligen. 

Now how is that to a first chapter? I'm so sorry it took this long to get it up! I've been trying for two days to get this chapter up, but the computer I was using was being a pain in the ass and wouldn't let me. So here it is. I hope you all like it, might be the last one I write, might not be. I'm still trying to decide how to end this book, so I'll let you know. Then I'll post the last chapter of the Real Ghostbusters, do all the books I owe, then I'll make a second volume of The Real Ghostbusters. I'll use those ideas I haven't used. But I'll have to do something about that little problem... oh well. Peace out my Stars! 

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