6: Prisoner of Mind

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*Egon's pov* 

I struggled to free myself from the place Ligen put me. I could feel the power in my body, all the pain from the ghost that brushed against me like a pet. Ligen was in control but I was the one who felt the pain, everything.

I wanted to look around the room I was trapped in, but Ligen wouldn't let me see. In fact he was enjoying keeping me trapped in my own mind. I wanted to have control of my body instead of being trapped in it. I would have sighed if I could, but I couldn't.

"I think a break from you is in order," I heard Ligen say. I felt the cold metal cuffs that would chain me to the wall. I felt Ligen's spirit be pulled out of my body and the control back. It's been a week since he took over. Once a day he left and put his spirit in a necklace that was wrapped around my neck so he wouldn't be trapped in the place he was in before. He claimed that he had to have a break from me once a day.

"Just let me go!" I cried at him has the ghost who served him placed the cloth over my eyes and the chain on my neck. "You've had your fun with my body. Thanks to you have cuts and I think I broke a rib. What's the point of keeping me trapped in my mind anyway?"

"I cannot kill you like I wish," Ligen told me through my mind. "Yet when I entered your body I have to keep you alive until I can live without you. It's hard to get around, but I have to deal with it.”

“Please,” I begged him. “I want to go home with my friends and family.”

“Then I hope you can remember them in your mind. Why don’t we check up on the Ghostbusters? You, turn on the news!”

I heard a few ghost hurry over to the television to turn it on. I heard it click on and then I heard the screams of New York and I sighed. I hated to know that I was the reason those people were in trouble. If I had just left well enough alone I wouldn’t have to deal with Ligen. I wouldn’t have given him the knowledge to unlock the Contaminate Unit. New York would be safe.

“Has you can see behind me,” I heard the reporter say, “the Ghostbusters are busy fighting the ghost that is trying to take over Times Square. Has you can see they are fighting to stop this ghost from taking people and destroying this piece of our city. They have been working nonstop for a week and-“

“Look out!” someone cried, and I heard the tackle and then the sound of a pack hitting the person’s back. It was Natalie. “Are you okay?” she asked and I heard the trap be thrown and the ghost sucked in.

“I am now,” the reporter answered. “I don’t want to keep you busy, but do you have a moment to fill us in on what is going on?”

“I have a second to spare,” she answered. “We’ve got the Boogieman on fifth, the Ghostmaster on first, and we have Stay Puff in the park. We also have no word on where Ligen is or an idea on how to free Egon.”

“Would having Egon here be helpful?”

“Yeah. He would know where to put all these ghost at. So far we’ve been keeping them in what we have put together, but that isn’t going to last long. His brain would just be helpful to have. He also wouldn’t be under Ligen’s control if he was here. I have to go, too much to do!”

I heard her run off and Ecto 1’s sirens blare. I sighed has the T.V was turned off. I tried to fight the chains but I knew it was pointless. I was stuck here and Ligen’s personal slave and puppet. I wanted to be able to help the others when they needed me most, but instead I was trapped here against my will with no place to go.

“You monster,” I growled at him. I heard Ligen laugh and he slowly placed his spirit into my body. I groaned in pain has he pushed my spirit into the back of my mind, mentally locking me in a cage of my mind.

“What’s the matter?” Ligen asked laughing. “You don’t like being with me?”

“I want to go home!” I yelled at him in my mind.

“I’m afraid that I cannot let you go,” he laughed at me.

“Just let me go. I promise I won’t bother you or your plans again. Just let me go home.”

“You know I was thinking of killing your friends with my own hands. I still will, besides one. I think I will make you kill your sister with your own hands.”

“No! You can’t do that! I won’t kill her!”

“You don’t’ have a choice but to do it. You will have to do it since I am in control of your body. I’m in control of what you do and what you cannot do. You’re my slave Egon Spengler, and you will do has I say, when I say it, has I say it. Understand? Oh wait, you don’t have to. I am in control. I think a walk is in order.”

I felt the chains fall off my wrist and Ligen stand up. He stretched my body and walked out of the door. I struggled to get out of the place he trapped me, but his hold on me was too strong. I was trapped in my own mind, a prisoner in the one place I should be free to move around in. I was trapped with no way out. 

What do you guys think of that? Yeah, I think Egon needed a little time in the light. Plus I had no idea what to put for Natalie or anyone else. So I'm feeling a little better! I'm not has dizzy has I was and I'm starting to stand up without falling to the ground. Yet my dizziness has become huge headaches. I just can't win. Oh well, I'll get better, I know it! Peace out my Stars!

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