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Hi my name is Michel and I have died and came back to life to tell my story. This book is based on a true tragic event where I almost died. So let me get started. My name is Michel, you can call me Mikey. Currently I'm and 25 years old but let's go back to when I was a little boy. Growing up in the small town of apple vill, Illinois I had my mom, my dad and my best friend oatmeal, oatmeal was my dog. I loved my dog more than my parents he was the best thing that happened to me. When I was first born he was there, always. He was just a puppy then. As I grew up he was beside me. Whenever I had fallen he picked me up, whenever I was sad he cheered me up! My parents left me at home alone a lot but oat meal was always there protecting me. I loved him to infinity and I would die for him. Which reminds me, let me tell you about the trip. So a while ago I was about 11-12, me and my family (including oatmeal) went on a casual family trip. We went to lake Arie, it was very clear and no one was there. The lake was pretty big and deep. Right when I got out of the car, oat meal jump right out and ran into the lake as if he was a pup. My dad and mom got out of the car and started unloading the tent I started running down to the lake. I ran about knee deep till I realized the water was very cold. I looked around. Behind me was a private, gravel drive way in a forest. I looked around the lake and there was just a forest surrounding the water. The trees separated a bit on the left and it looked like a small river was down there. "Mikey come up here." My mother called. A ran up to see oat meal sitting on a blanket and my dad trying to set up the large tent. My mom was on the other side of the truck. I walked around and she handed me oatmeal's small red ball. I said thanks then I ran back down to the water. I called oatmeal down. The old yellow lab ran down and almost knocked me over. I threw the ball into the water and oatmeal darted into the water to get it. I wish I thought to myself, "cherish this moment" because little did I know it was almost my last.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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