"Why? Are you suggesting that I've been brash?" He didn't mean to snap, he was just frustrated at constantly being told what to do.

The Spiral glanced around him, before leaning in. "I'm saying, uphold your family name. In the recent years the Wind warriors have started taking honour seriously. If a warrior fails to perform well in battle, their entire family is shunned. Names that become famous are written into history. The Akili family practically live like kings."

"I just don't want to lose our allegiance with Wind. We've had a long history of success together. But with the emergence of this new culture..."

"Alright, I get it sir." He wrestled his arm free and held his hands up. "I'll try my best. Although honestly, don't expect much. I still don't know why you promoted me."

"I already told you. Emergency replacement. And -" he lowered his voice "- you'd help make Sakura cooperate."

"Why is she so hard to work with?"

"She's young. Like you. Hard to control. She wants to try new things, do things her way. She's brash and feisty, and it'll get her killed one day if she doesn't control herself. She's... also rather impulsive. Often says things that she doesn't mean later. The good thing is, she has high respect for those who perform well, or have a history of doing so."

"Why is she commander then?"

He sighed. "I don't know."

"Great." He was going to lead an army into possible death with no experience whatsoever, and have to try and work with a potentially psychopathic girl with anger issues. Life could be worse.

"Honestly? I'd take your position myself. But we're spread extremely thin here. Four officers for over a thousand dragons. If there's wasn't a commander at camp at all times, Shade would break out."

"I know, I know. We really can't look after ourselves huh?" He didn't even care that he was showing serious disrespect towards his leader. He was honestly just done.

Zane shook his head, admitting defeat. "When you get to my age, you'll understand. But don't think about that now." He stood up, striding to the tent door and opening it. Sunlight streamed in. "Go have a break. Eat. Rest. Be ready by four."

He saluted, although it felt clumsy and awkward. He walked out and someone immediately barrelled into him, almost knocking him off his feet.

"What took you so long? You've been in there for over an hour!" Tas shook him. "Did you hear the news? There's going to be -"

"An attack on Talonok Camp Five at dusk, for Divisions One to Five?"

He dropped his arms, embarrassed. "Oh yeah. Right. General. I have a brain."

He whacked him on the back on the head. "Stop that. Aren't you scared at all?"

"Kind of?" He rubbed his head. "I mean, there's a potential chance I'm die and yeah, but if it's coming, it's coming?" He winced. "Dang, take your gloves off next time."

"Sorry." He completely forgot he was wearing his armour. "I should probably take this off anyways, it's getting annoying."

"Yeah, you should. You look like a metal freak."


"I'm kidding. Can't we have a sense of humour anymore?"

He groaned loudly, and the Wildclaw grinned. "I'm going to be the death of you, aren't I?"

"Shut up," he moaned. "Alright, I'm going to take my armour off and actually get something to eat."

"See ya at dusk," he waved, and he couldn't help but smile.

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