Chapter 6

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The sword gleamed. A bead of sweat dripped down the left of his face as he watched the knife draw closer. His own handle was slick, and was shaking in his hands.

At the last second, he powered up, meeting the blade with a bone rattling thrang. The entire sword split down the middle and fell to the ground in two halves, crackling. His own knife stabbed into the earth next to it and he collapsed onto the ground.

"Ow, ow, crud." He groaned. His arm was screaming. "I think I just dislocated my shoulder. Ow."

Tas threw away the handle of his ruined sword, aghast. "You're not meant to try the snapper move with steel blades."

"Well, sorry. I just wanted to see if it worked." He doubled over as another wave of pain exploded through his shoulder. "My curiosity has been sated. Get a medic. Quick."

Fading footfalls told him that the Wildclaw had ran off. A few minutes later, he was aware of two dragons returning.

"Ajax, what on earth am I supposed to do with you?" Tas mumbled as the medic helped pop his shoulder back into place. He yelled, but held his composure. The pain lessened instantly, but he was still shaking in the aftermath.

"Don't move it too much. You'll need to lay off any heavy training for at least a week. I'll tell your trainer." The medic patted him on the back apologetically and left.

As soon as he was sure he couldn't see them anymore, he picked up his sword again. Tas stopped him.

"You heard what he said."

"I don't have the time," he growled. "I need to train as hard as I can."

"So do I. My graduation is in a week. But you'll break yourself if you keep pushing your limits."

"I don't have the time!" He repeated, an edge of panic rising into his voice. "My first mission in the Plateau is in two weeks. How am I supposed to lead an army with a busted up shoulder and my stupid inexperience?"

"You heard what he said. You're only rallying the troops. Not actually leading them."

"It's close enough." He dropped his sword to his side in defeat.

A few days ago, a letter arrived in their mail, requesting Ajax to report to the head officer immedietely.

He had never recieved an official letter before, so naturally he paniced, thinking that he'd screwed something up and was going to be kicked out of the progamme. But it was completely the opposite of that.

"So, you're Ajax Reijal?" Zane had asked.


"Son of Denevol Reijal and Maria Reijal?"

"Yes, sir"

He folded his arms, looking across at him from his table. "You've been promoted to General. Congratulations."

It took a full ten minutes for the Spiral to convince him that he wasn't lying. Ajax wanted to reject the position on the spot, but Zane said that it was required.

"After your parents, ah... unforunate deaths, we've have a shortage of officers. With troops out there desperately needing a leader, we've had to improvise."

His position was only temporary, Zane assured. He was only a symbol to rally the troops. His warrior name would be enough to exert command.

He was to be sent out into the field in two weeks time, but he wasn't anywhere near ready. He'd spent the ast few days training, trying to improve his abilities and pschying himself up. He was a nervous wreck, and as far as he knew, it was going to stay that way.

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