Chapter 19

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This battle was nothing like his last one.

Which was saying something, because the battle over the Crofts was massive.

The ranks collided midair over the shore. Immediately, he heard shrieks as the first few warriors, allies and enemies alive met their demise. He dodged between the ranks, driven by nothing but to defend. Let no one get close to his home.

Below them, the sea bubbled as Maren began to size, hefting spears. They threw at random, sometimes missing, sometimes hitting dragons and sending them spiralling down to the earth. Shade-touched enemies flew between the ranks, abducting allies at random and pulling them away to finish them off. Raptoriks zipped between the ranks, causing general panic. Harpies wove and spun past monsters and dragons alive, fixated on their targets. He heard a clang of metal high above his head and he sped out of the way as a Serthis fell, having met their match.

He scanned the battle scene, mostly running in and helping whether necessary. At once point he saw a group of Longnecks riding Greatowls, harassing two Guardians. He dove in, surprising their ranks and slashed through the Greatowls. The riders, left without a mount, fell a very long way down to the ocean below.

The battle raged on. He flew around, avoiding attacks at random. Many of the monsters were targeting him, probably having heard about his famous escape on their headquarters. At one point, a Serthis almost hit him in the face with acid, which would've instantly killed him. He tackled it, punching it in the face and knocking it off. The owl wheeled away, suddenly without a mount before diving back. Its claws raked across his back, but he stabbed it through and they exploded open like a pinata.

The fight was gradually being pushed onto land. The Maren fell back as Centaurs assembled on the icy earth, readying their bows. He saw Stella at one point, zipping through the monsters with impossible speed, nothing but a white streak of death. Wherever she went, monsters burst into flames, nothing but ashes within seconds. He heard a firebomb explode above him and he ducked to avoid the flaming debris raining everywhere.

The sky was literally raining blood. Dead dragons and dust poured out onto the ground as if the heavens had opened up and poured the spirits onto the earth. He watched as more and more lives were lost, some given the grace of a quick stab through the heart, others screaming in pain as acid slowly ate them inside out. Once again, he flashed back to the battle over the Crofts. Shuddering, he pushed his thoughts aside as he searched for more dragons to help.

A dragon suddenly shrieked and plummeted next to him and he barely managed to catch them by the tail. The Skydancer hung, several arrows protruding from their wings.

Another Fae flew up, quickly removing the arrows. They held their claws over the wounds and said something, and he watched as they closed by themselves, the blood stopping. With that, Skydancer shot into the air, healed.

"Thank you!" He shouted down as he resumed the fight. The Fae saluted him before speeding off again, disappearing into the mess within seconds.

He started to turn around again, when an entire wing of harpies and Raptoriks broke away from their ranks and attacked him. Backstabber whirled as if it had its own mind, felling the enemy by the tens. However, there were too many for him to fight off, and he was slowly being overwhelmed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Stella stab a Longneck and watch it explode. She glanced his way and immediately saw the situation. She raised a talon, looking at the ground.

Suddenly, arrows whizzed past him, and he heard screams as the enemies were assaulted by hundreds of projectiles of death. He held his sword out, bracing for impact. None came. All of the arrows either bounced back or missed him completely, as if he were protected by an invisible shield.

[COMPLETE] R E V E R S E  #NaNoWriMo2k17जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें