2 - Arrangements

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hello friends. 

it's me, back again with another chapter!! 

thank you all for the votes and encouraging comments, i truly appreciate them. 

enjoy! ♥


The pack of Winchester felt the sever of the connection the moment it happened. Each member broke out into cries and howls of sadness. Soren stared out of the glass door to her backyard, eyes trained on the full moon peeking through the clouds. She knew that it was for her father. The pack of Winchester was notified by local authorities that the bridge their Alpha traveled across had broken, the entirety of the large train going down with it into the water it hung above. At the same time, they were told that no bodies could be recovered. 

And so, the morning after, the entire pack gathered for a memorial that was held in the clearing of their camp. There were tears, cries of sadness and anger, many shared memories, and all appreciated the life that once was. 

Light footsteps carried through the house, coming from her brother's pacing of the floors. It feels empty, she thought. He should be here. She shook her head, blinking away her tears as she turned into the kitchen to pour herself some tea. A few minutes into sipping it, her shaking hands got slightly better. 

Soren could hear a car coming down their drive in and glanced at the clock, sipping her tea again. He's right on time. Connell was the one to answer the door when the bell was rang, he was polite but very closed off. Soren could tell that he was very much affected. 

"We can start in the kitchen." Connell said, leading the man to Soren's hiding spot. She rolled her eyes, beginning to stand to make her exit. Connell entered first, giving his sister a look as to make sure she was polite. An older man followed; he had short white hair and was wearing a burgundy blazer over a black shirt and dress pants. The older man smiled softly at her, switching his briefcase into his left hand and holding out his right. "Hello miss, you are Soren Winchester I presume?" Soren offered a small smile and shook his hand while letting him know he was correct. "Well, I am Henry Byran, it's lovely to make your acquaintance." 

"Likewise." Soren said quietly before clearing her throat to speak louder. "I will be in my room." She announced, then began to walk towards the door. "Oh-- wait, miss Winchester! I will need you here for this." Henry called out. "It's fine, i'm sure Connell will tell me everything later." 

She tried to leave again, but Henry called out once more, "No, miss, by law you must be here." This time, before she could make an argument, Connell spoke. "Ren, just sit down. It won't take long." She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to control her temper. She really didn't feel like listening to a man read off her dead father's will and wishes. She already knew what she was to get of his; 50 percent of all the money he owned and the two siblings would share the home and pack lands. 

Henry pulled a paper from his briefcase and put his glasses on, clearing his throat before beginning. "The will reads as follows. 'This is the last will and testament of Samuel Ashley Winchester. To my son, Connell Brian Winchester, I leave a family heirloom given to me by my father.'" Henry pauses a moment, reaching into his briefcase and pulling out an old-looking, gold pocket watch. It had a chain attached to it and a large 'W' engraved on it. Henry handed it to Connell, who held it delicately in his hands. "'To my daughter, Soren Ashley Winchester, I leave my wife's wedding ring and 25th anniversary gift, a silver snowflake necklace.'" He pulled out a navy blue jewelry bag and held it out to Soren. She opened the tiny bag, dumping its contents into her left hand and feeling tears prick at her eyes as they set on the items. 

She placed the bag down and slid the beautiful silver and blue stoned ring onto her finger, then clasping the necklace around her throat. Henry continued. 

"'I leave all funds to be split 50/50 between the two. I leave my title as Alpha of the Winchester Pack to my son, Connell,'" Henry paused, looking at Soren for a moment before continuing. "'So that he may watch over things until my daughter, Soren, is ready to take over this title.'" Soren frowned, glancing at her brother who looked just as confused as she. "What does that mean?" 

Henry places the papers on the counter, tapping his finger against the black inked words. "Samuel specified that his only daughter is to leave for a camp in Galway, Ireland, when she is ready to begin training. While she is undergoing this training, his son, Connell Brian Winchester, will hold the title of Alpha. But, once training is completed and she has returned, the title will be passed on to her." He picks up the papers and puts them into his briefcase. 

"Congratulations, miss Winchester. You will be the Alpha of the Winchester pack."


Henry leaves them with a number for the camp she is to attend and Soren is quiet, running her fingertips across her lips-- a habit she performed often when anxious, nervous, or in deep thought. She breathed in deeply, standing and carrying her cup of now cold tea to the sink. She poured it out and washed the cup, putting it in the dish drainer to dry. 

How could he do this? How could he just leave all of this to me?  She thought. Connell should be Alpha, he already knows what to do. She paced the kitchen floor, her mind racing with everything she could possibly think of. She hated it, her mind was exhausted. She was physically exhausted as well, but knew she wouldn't be able to sleep even if she tried. 

Then she remembered. 

Her father's last words to her, just before the mind-link was severed. Take care of them. That was what he wanted her to do, it was his dying wish. But could she? Was she strong enough? Was she capable? Her questions answered themselves. 

She knew her father would not have left the title to her if she couldn't handle it. Her father knew her better than anyone, her strengths, her weaknesses, her limits. He knew she could handle this, and that's why he did it. Soren looked up at her brother as he entered the room. "Connell," He stared at her, waiting for her to speak. "I'm leaving in the morning. We will tell the pack tonight." His eyes were wide, he took a few steps closer. 

"Are you sure you're ready?" He inquired, and Soren took a moment to think. Her father's face flashed across her mind and she felt exterior harden, her face becoming stern and eyes becoming cold. "Yes." Connell nodded slowly, telling her that he would call the camp and let them know of her departure. 

Her father wanted her to take care of the pack, and so she would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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