Chapter 7: In the Clutches of the beast.

Start from the beginning

When he came dangerously close, his intentions becoming clearer, a surge of courage coursed through me. With trembling hands, I swiftly retrieved the concealed knife I had been clutching. Without a moment's hesitation, I lunged forward, directing the blade towards him. The metallic glint of the knife sliced through the air, and in an instant, I felt the resistance as it made contact with his flesh.

Caesar's enraged roar filled the room, overpowering the sound of my own thundering heartbeat. My impulsive attack seemed to catch him off guard, intensifying his fury. It was then that the gravity of my actions hit me like a ton of bricks.

In his fury, he bellowed, not directly at me, but the impact of his anger still made me flinch. "Noah! Come in here and search this room! Make sure she doesn't have any more hidden weapons!"

Noah entered the room and carried out Caesar's orders without a single word. He swiftly snatched the knife from my grasp, disappearing as if he had never been there at all.

I was more than shocked at the turn out of events, "You... You're not affected by silver? How is that possible?"

Caesar chuckled mockingly, his arrogance on full display.

"Silver? Oh, my dear little wolf, such petty werewolf weapons have not much effect on a lycan. Come on, be for real!"

Fear surged through my veins as I realized the extent of his power and control. The truth sank in—I was at his mercy, with little recourse to resist him. Anger warred within me, but I refused to let it be eclipsed by the growing, unsettling attraction my wolf seemed to develop for him. He inched closer, his touch grazing my arm, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "Let me go! I refuse to be your plaything! I would rather die than be in bed with a monster like you!" I shouted, my voice filled with defiance.

Caesar's smirk only widened, his eyes gleaming with a twisted satisfaction. "Oh, my little wolf, you misunderstand. I have no intention of forcing myself upon you tonight or any other night. Consider it a gesture of goodwill. I will make you want it."

His words send a shiver down my spine. The thought of being at his mercy, even temporarily, fills me with dread. How can he be so calm, so callous about his intentions? How could he even be so delusional to think that he could ever make me want to bed him, is he stupid or something? Does foolery come with the cruel package of his?

"Stop being delusional, I will never be comfortable here. I will never accept you as anything other than my captor. You may have captured the princess of the wolf pack to fulfill your twisted fantasies, but I will never willingly submit to you. Not in this lifetime!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Ah, defiance. How thrilling. But let me make something clear, my dear. You may think you have a choice, but you don't. You belong to me now, and I can do with you as I please." He hammered on again sending shivers and chills down my spine.

My heart pound in my chest as his words hung in the air. The weight of his dominance pressed down upon me, suffocating any hope of escape. I struggled again to maintain control over my wolf's inexplicable attraction to him, one that I was choosing not to dwell on because it just did not even make any sense that my wolf was being so excited and aroused at the sight of this monster that was threatening to hurt me soon enough.

I needed to keep reminding my wolf and those stupid sexual desires that he was the enemy, the one responsible for tearing me away from my pack, the one responsible for killing numerous ones of my kind.

Silence hung between us, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. Caesar broke the stillness, his voice laced with triumph, as if he relished the challenge of breaking my spirit. "Oh, my dear Echo, I do love a challenge. But mark my words, resistance will only make the victory sweeter."

As he walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the suffocating reality of my situation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. What twisted games of power and desire awaited me in this dark realm? I knew I had to find the strength to resist, to protect not only myself but also the legacy of my pack.

The weight of my mission presses heavily upon me as I sit alone in this confined room. My purpose was clear: to get close to Caesar, to gain his trust, and then, when the time is right, to strike him down. But how could I accomplish such a feat when just being in his presence makes my skin crawl?

Every fiber of my being resists the idea of getting close to that monster. The thought of even pretending to be on his side fills me with revulsion. But I must stay focused. Lives depend on my success. The lives of my pack, my family, and countless innocent beings. I had to ensure the safety and survival of my pack, even if it meant pretending to be a loyal servant to this monstrous leader.

Gaining Caesar's trust won't be easy. He was cunning, powerful, and seemingly invincible. I needed to find a way to maneuver through his web of deceit, to convince him that I was willing to be his loyal servant. Yet all of these seemed very much impossible, I hated him so much.

Ugh! I could not help but find myself trapped with my thoughts, the walls seemed to close in on me, suffocating any sense of hope that lingered. I needed to formulate a plan, a strategy that will lead me closer to my goal without arousing suspicion.

Before I could delve further into my thoughts, the room's door abruptly swung open, startling me. My eyes widened as a fierce, angry female Lycan stormed towards me, her blazing eyes reflecting a fire within.

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