Sinners and Saints Chapter 34 - Blinded by the Light

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Despite our intimate moments, he’s still a bi and has his own agenda.  I will sort out his lies later – just another string of men in my life who’ve lied to me.  

“So – bacon?” I ask. 

“Where’s Drake?” Moira asks casually. 

“Who the hell cares?” I snap out. 

“Ah,” Clark gets up, clearly uncomfortable, “I’ll just – um – go get that thing – uh – in the other room.” 

“Coward,” Moira whispers to him, but he is undeterred in getting out of the line of fire.  Moira gets up calmly and begins serving up breakfast.  I sit down and open up my laptop. 

“Get up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?” she asks, amused, as she sets a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs and a large mug of coffee next to me. 

“The wrong side of an empty bed,” I rip off a bite of bacon with as much savagery as I bit that demon’s finger.  Typing one-handed, I log into work. 

“Seems to me you shouldn’t jump to conclusions before you hear the boy out,” she observes, sitting across from me. 

“No offense, Moira, but I’ve known you all of five minutes,” I peek over my screen at her before taking another savage bite, “Drake’s a bi.  They’re all self-serving in the end.  And that kiss was certainly no conclusion – more like an introduction.  It doesn’t matter anyway,” I hunch over my screen again. 

“Kiss?” she asks, pouring milk into her tea, “What kiss?” 

“The kiss he gave her last night,” I tell her after chewing my eggs, “After their very exuberant hug.  He didn’t even look my way.  Didn’t ask if I was all right.” 

“I didn’t see a kiss, Claire,” she says calmly, “I saw two friends reuniting and him checking her closely to make sure she wasn’t a threat to you again.  Yes, he was very close to her, and I can see how, from your angle, you could have gotten the wrong impression.  And she probably did too.  But you had already stomped away in a huff before he could get to you.” 

“I thought angels couldn’t lie,” I snarl at her, finishing up my pipeline. 

“We can’t,” she says, steepling her fingers, “How many times has jumping to conclusions failed you in the past, hmm?” 

I sit back and cross my arms, completely channeling my inner fifteen-year-old.  Drake had just said that he wanted to see me jealous and the minute I actually am, I get smacked down by a fairy-god-angel.  

Who keeps pet soul-suckers,” I remind myself. 

“I do really want to know what you did to bring her back, my dear,” she plows on despite my pout, “But that can wait.  And even though she hasn’t expressed it, Allison is very grateful for what you did.  She has her defenses, too,” she gives he the hairy eyeball, trying to make a point, “Drake did stay out all night with her – but only doing what you told him to do.  Chaperon her while she fed.  I think – if you think about it – you will find that you were looking for an excuse to push him away before he hurt you.  Just like you did with your other young man.” 

She sits, sipping her tea and looking smug while I frown more and process what she just said.  I hate that she’s right.  I had a really good anger roll going on, and she just completely deflated me in less than three minutes. 

“Finish your breakfast, dear,” she gets up and starts loading the dishwasher, “We have to leave soon.” 

I sneak back into our room after eating – with the excuse of putting my laptop away.  Drake is sprawled across the bed diagonally, my pillow length-wise at his side. 

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