Justice League (2017)

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Justice League

 Directed by: Zack Synder

Genre/s: Fantasy/Science fiction 

  Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists newfound ally Diana Prince to face an even greater threat. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy. Despite the formation of an unprecedented league of heroes -- Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash -- it may be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.  

Well, I've learnt my lesson. Movie critics + the DCEU = Don't trust 'em (except for Suicide Squad. What happened in that movie again?). Is it better than SS? Yes. Better than BvS? Yes. Better than WW? ... Better than MoS? Still trying to work out which one's better. 

The characters in this movie are fine. Ezra Miller's version of the Flash is, in my opinion, better than the TV show's version; Keeping true to the Flash's personality from the comics (although season 4 is getting there).  Wonder Woman is well done- though it is recommended that her solo movie is watched before this one, as there are some parts you might otherwise not get. Batman does well in trying to recruit all the members (except WW because she already knows what's happening and is on the same page as Bruce). Cyborg has some nice development, starting out a bit gloomy/depressed, but slowly warms up. And Sup- I AM NOT GOING TO DO WHAT THE IMAX THEATER AD DID (Betsyboo22 will get this). 


I am a little disappointed how he came back, however, the scene after it is great.


It was nice to see the Amozians again, and a good introduction to the Atlantis. Nice not having a sky beam as the big, evil machine that'll destroy the planet (it's something else).

People say that the CGI/special effects weren't that good, but probably the worst was Cyborg. The explosions and lightning sometimes hurt my eyes, but it was only once or twice. 

And now, moving onto the next thing people are complaining about, the villain. Steppenwolf. He's... how to put this nicely... hmm. If they were going for a born evil, doesn't have a shred of goodness villain, then they achieved that. It is mentioned, at least five times (I think) that he is a "destroyer of worlds", so that might explain why Steppenwolf is a bit weak as a character. 

And, as we've seen in all DCEU movies, except BvS, Justice League uses the same "someone's come to destroy the world" plot. 

I love the music that DC/the DCEU has, but that may be because it was Hans Zimmer doing it. JL's music was good, but only a bit better than Marvel's. I say that because music in movies can add so much to what's happening, and if it's too quiet then... well... scenes don't have as much power as they should. So yeah, little disappointed with the music. 

Some of the jokes/one-liners in the film were quite good, and not all were shown in the trailers. The best were done by Flash/Barry Allen (though I might be being a little bit biased). 

The action/fight scenes were good. All the slow-motion scenes for Flash were cool, and a bit surprisingly, the only part that I thought had slow motion used to much was WW's fight at the start of the movie. 

The start of the movie was well done, showing that while Superman was gone, the world started to fall to it's "dark days" (not sure what to call it). Another thing that was very nice to see was: THE TITLE CARD FOR THE MOVIE WAS AT THE START, NOT THE END. THANK YOU. As you can see, I don't really like title cards at the end of movies/before the credits roll.

There are a mid-credits and post-credits scene, so stick around. Really nice comics reference with the mid-credits one.

And one thing to critics and some non-critic reviewers:



Just, make up your minds, please. 

I promise this review is almost over, but STOP COMPARING THIS TO INFINITY WAR. COMPARE IT TO THE 2012 AVENGERS MOVIE. INFINITY WAR IS ABOUT SOMEONE COMING TO DESTROY THE PLANET. JL AND AVENGERS (2012) ARE ABOUT A DISPOSABLE, CGI, GENERIC ARMY OF ALIENS, WHO ARE PREPARING THE WORLD FOR SOMEONE. And on that note, I personally think that this movie is better than the 2012 Avengers movie, but both movies had different set ups, so even then, it's a bit unfair to compare them.


Characters: 9/10

Plot: 5/10 for plot, 7/10 for pacing

Music: 7/10

Humour: 8/10

Confusingness: Not confusing, although some lines were hard to hear/understand.

Overall: 8/10 Personally, I loved it. And now, at the end of this review, I have made it my second favourite DCEU movie, first being MoS. We also waited about 57 years for the Justice league to assemble onto the big screen, and did it deliver? Yes, yes it did.

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