Harmony Girls

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Harmony Girls

Written by: writersblockhaterRD

Sun and moon. Day and night. Once closer than ever, are continuing an everlasting feud to determine who was correct all those years ago. They did this by each starting an academy of their own.
Celest Academy has had a school system that has remained the same for eons which eventually formed a wedge between the many students attending. They now show hatred towards one another.Ortics. They are fast thinkers and most famous for their physical abilities. Ortics are built for battle and nothing else. They accuse the Desears of being prissy liars and the Mystics as wimps.
Desears. Desears have a knack for all things in the arts whether it being music, theatre or literal art. They claim Mystics are needless geeks and Ortics are brutes.Mystics. They are known to be the wisest and hold the most knowledge about magic. They consider Ortics inferior and Desears manipulative.You could say that this is basically a school feud. Each group does not accept the other. Principal Celestia and her ancestry only accepted the best of the best. They can't figure out what is preventing them from overcoming their nemeses: Selene Academy. It's about time they accepted some help.
Then there are those who are simply on the sidelines. Undecided.What happens when alliances start to form amongst the groups? Not only will friendship form, but eventually as will romance. This is seen as a sin, but the seven are determined to follow through in the end.Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity never expected that they'd be the ones to finally bring harmony to Celest Academy and defeat the darkness Selene Academy had once fallen victim to. Pinkie Pie is more than willing to help and Sunset Shimmer eventually wants in on the action.

I'll tell you now, I binge read this book for 3-4 days. Didn't read anything else in my library (unless I was offline). Why? Well, because of how amazing it was!

Because there are a lot of main characters, I'll make the character reviews a bit shorter than what I usually do.

Starting off, Twilight Sparkle. What I really like about the way she's been written, is that she's not always aware. Even though she technically got her thing first, she/they didn't know, and the readers don't know until the battle against Starlight. 

Secondly, Rarity. I like how you've made her not much of a drama queen (or at least, not as much as the show). At the beginning, I find it very clever that, even without mentioning it, you show of her Element in the first chapter. Also, Rarity was the one getting some of the ships into motion. Was she helping you write them?

Next up: Pinkie Pie. I love how Pinkie was written, and when she had her moments, had a big impact. For example, one of my favourite parts was when Twilight, RD and her (and maybe one or two more) were disappointed and finishing each others sentences. In that part, I could actually feel the upset Pinkie was going through.

Moving onto Rainbow Dash. Out of all the characters, except Fluttershy and Twilight, she got the most "screen time". If it was to do with balancing issues, I understand. Because of this, she was a very well devolved (who am I kidding? All of them were well devolved,) character, which I like. She had the best shipping moments, and didn't come off as a perfect athlete.

Now for Applejack. Probably the one with the least amount of "screen time", if my memory is correct. Anyway, one of the most outstanding moments was when she took charge (when they didn't know Twilight's object,) and became the leader in that particular battle. Applejack is definitely given justice though, the character being a strong, honest person. When it came to showing off her Element, it was very well done, as portraying the Element of Honesty is (probably) difficult to do.

Finally, Fluttershy. She was my favourite character (along with Twilight and Discord). She was written extremely well, the whole "shy" personality was spot on. There were some moments were I could relate to her, such as the shyness. Like Rarity and Applejack, the way her Element was written was very well done. 

I'll quickly do some of the more minor characters. 

Flash: You made me like.

Soarin: Thanks for making me ship SoarinDash

Cheese Sandwich: Written like someone I would hang out with. 

Caramel: Very well written, especially with the whole "RD being thrown off a balcony" fiasco. It definitely shows that he cares about the main characters, especially AJ. 


Discord: My favourite character, even more than Twilight and Fluttershy. 

Moving on from the characters, THE SHIPS WERE AMAZING. If I didn't ship FlutterCord enough, you just added more to that. I prefer slow romances rather than fast ones. Each one was written extremely well, and when they all (kind of) broke up, you made get very worried for them!

Onto the plot, I really like how you pitted the two sisters against each other, Celestia having to find people to help her. After the long break, I definitely felt a shift in the tone, it being more serious. Was it intentional?

However, I do think there were some things left unresolved, though I can't think of anything. I think Celestia/Luna's and Cadence/Discords backstories could've been a bit more devolved. But enough information was given so us, the readers weren't like "What?".


Characters: 9/10

Grammar: 10/10 (I don't ever remember a single grammar mistake)

Plot: 10/10

Shipping: 10/10 

Battles: 9/10 (They were a little bit confusing, but not much)

Overall: 10/10. If your wondering why this was given such a high rating, it's because of a few reasons:

1) Even if you don't watch the show, and don't understand half of the things going on, you should definitely give this book a try.

2) If it was slightly different (due to copyright stuff), I could see this getting published! Or at least, if it was published, I would most likely pick it up (I'm very fussy when it comes to published books).

3) It's a greats story in general!

So, if you haven't read it, GO READ IT, NOW! 

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