Natasha, Steve, and Tony are all silent, they have nothing to say. In their head I can see frantic questions, questions I won't answer.

"I'm glad it happened when it did," Bruce declares and we all frown in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Natasha queries.

"I mean I was everything she wanted. She had a fantasy planned that she executed perfectly for a whole day beforehand and I'm sure Tony made sure the rest went to plan as well," Bruce continues and Tony smiles sheepishly. "Think about it she most likely went to Tony because he has the most experience and she knew he'd take care of her. I'm guessing she didn't feel ready to go to Natasha and probably worried Steve wouldn't want to."

It's logical and obvious, something I'm surprised I didn't realize before. Steve and Natasha seem to be swayed by this reasoning too, as they both nod in understanding.

"And the timing couldn't have been more perfect," he adds in a low voice. It's serious again suddenly, no more playful anger left. "She saved herself from one more thing Killian could have stolen from her."




"AGH!" Sif snarls and punches the wall of the beehive holding cell in a rage. Coulson stands stoic, but I wince at the show of frustration. She circles around, like a pacing animal with clenched fists, and scowls at the situation. "Lorelei's treachery remains unchanged, no matter the world."

"We'll find them. Every agent in the area is out looking," Coulson assures and I close my eyes in shame. I allowed her to escape with Ward.

"To what end, hmm? The collar-" she interrupts herself by slamming it down on the metal table and snarls. "Has been broken. Short of death we have no means to end her enchantment. The Siren can even be preyed upon by her." Sif's gaze softens at me and I smile back, trying to ignore the feeling of spiders crawling over my skin.

Phil nods to me and picks the collar up off the table, examining its damages. It was hit by a stray bullet in the shoot out.

"Let me worry about that," Phil says and runs a finger over the damage. "Stay here, and try not to punch a hole in my airplane." He exits the holding cell with the collar in hand and I hesitate to follow him.

"I should apologize to him, for his agent," I reason and turn to leave.

"The fault is not yours," Sif states. "We should have been more cautious when placing you on the battlefront. I had not considered your recent traumas, and Siren I apologize for that."

"It isn't your fault either, I insisted," I reply. "Besides I couldn't watch from the sidelines as you all fought someone that I can-that I can match with my powers." Sif stops her pacing to stay at me with a somber expression.

"I truly believe you are what Lorelei could have become if she had not been assaulted after her twentieth name day," Sif muses and I go rigid.

"Assaulted? That happened to Lorelei?" I ask in disbelief. It's hard for me to picture her having gone through that, she's willing to take control of others and use her body. I suppose trauma affects us all differently.

"It is where her contempt for men and desire for power began."

"It's understandable," I rush out and nervously grab at my own hands.

Target Acquired (3) (Siren and Quiver Series) Where stories live. Discover now