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Everyone knows her.

But not many care.

It's like she's a ghost,

Not really there.

The scars take up her arms,

And she's running out of space.

But people don't see the cuts.

Just the bruises on her face.

There's this one boy she has her eye on,

But he just blanks her out.

She doesn't make a fuss,

But it makes her want to shout.

She grabs a knife, or maybe some pills,

Her hand hovering over the rope.

She's lost all friends,

Death is her only hope.

Then the boy runs up to her,

And hugs her really tight.

He looks at all her scars,

But doesn't faint at the sight.

Be this boy and save a life,

And you will clearly see.

That life is much better,

When I am me.




So it was Eurovision today!


Hope you had a great day!

Smile! :)

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