Natalia kills

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"Throwing rose petals while skipping through a graveyard of all my failures. In the cemetery of my mistakes, I will throw rose petals and dance" -Teddy Sinclair. Natalia Kills ran away. And yet, the night we met proves she's only a paper town away. Why is this world stocked with liars? Dan Perucco taught me that well maybe I'm Just in love with the idea of being in love. Why have I not learned the proper way to say "NO"? You say you know me? Tell me what makes me weak. Remind me how I've made my mother weep. Show me blueprints of my funeral etched on the back of your hand. Maybe then I'll love you. Write an essay on why Disney movies are my remedy to a broken heart. Plug in headphones and share your thoughts with me. Lay out a blanket under the stars, boost me up onto the roof, pet my hair as your lullaby sings me to sleep. Name a constellation after me. Fall asleep next to me. Fall in love with me. So I can taste you each and every day. So I don't have to hold your hand in the back of my mind. So I don't have to feel alone in the deep tangled woods of my thoughts. Make me feel sane. Pulse my heart back to life. Bring me back from the dead. I am cold. Don't you see me shivering? I am lost. Don't you hear my voice? I am drowning. Don't you feel the fight for breath? I am dark. Don't you sense the lack of light? I am a lamp with a burnt out bulb, that no one noticed went out. No one bothered to replace.

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