The beginnings

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Every person starts as a little child, not knowing much about the world and wandering around trying to find their way.
My story begins like most do, I had two lovely parents, a nice house, well I guess I should say, houses. I moved around a lot as a kid, yet to this day still don't know whether thats a bad thing or not, yes I got to explore and nothing would get too boring. But also it never allowed me or my family to make a connection with a house, we didn't really have a child hood house.
The first house I remember is a little house just outside of Desoronto, it had a second floor, main floor, and a small basement mainly used for storage. For a little while it was just me, but two years later I was introduced to my baby brother. Me and my brother shared a room, we had bunk beds. And to us sharing a room wasn't a bad thing at all, we got along great and still do. One day there was a huge storm, and the power went out, we had board games, candles, and each other to get us through it, with loud cracks and bangs from the sky we looked out the window to see the sky light up again like it was daytime at night. After the night passed, we woke up and me and my brother went to go play outside, Little did we know, our trampoline that used to be in our from yard ended up across the street in our neighbors yard.
After moving out of that house it brought us to the heart of Desoronto in a bigger, nicer house with a nice garden, a stone path, a huge front door surrounded by windows and glass, this house however was a condo, one floor, besides the basement, but that one floor was all we needed. A nice back porch with a swing, barbecue, and a nice outdoor dining set looking out over our backyard where we had a different trampoline, that was very securely pinned to the ground, and a sandbox. Again me and my brother shared a room, but that wasn't a problem, years passed in that house, playing hockey in the basement, playing outside throwing balls of mud at each other, true story. And playing games with my brother, it was at this time I thought life was great and it would be like this forever and everyone would live happily ever after. But one day me and my brothers lives were about to be turned upside down. Four years after my brother was born,  Mom and Dad came through the door carrying what looked like a balled up blanket, we didn't pay no mind, until they told us there's someone we should meet? It was my lovely baby sister. So at first I was excited and I thought it would be great and easy, I thought it was just another person to play with. Little did I know at the time, my sister was a little younger than we were. She was also a girl, don't get me wrong being a girl is totally fine, it just meant she had different interests and let's just say, hockey and mud ball fights just weren't for her. So the first part of my sisters life was a little shaky at times, always trying to play with us and end up getting hurt, or getting in trouble for not including her, but soon enough we got over it and started to almost get along. Around this time our parents were having trouble and decided it would be better off to go their separate ways, on moving day me and my brother would sit on the couch and watch all the stuff being taken out to the truck saying "ou can I have that? I want that" not realizing it was our stuff they were moving out. So after that move, we spent a little time with our grandparents, after some time we were on the move again to another little house in Shannonville where we'd eventually meet our stepdad and his three daughters, all older than me, so that was different and took some getting used to. But when I said little, I mean little. One day we were called out to the kitchen and we were asked, "do you want to go live with your grandparents for a little while?" A game changing question.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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