• real life •

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                      January 1 2017

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" Weslyn asked Savanna as they both stared at Ella.

"Nope she isn't telling me anything" Savanna said.

Ella just stared at the wall.

She keeps thinking about what happened last night.

If she told someone what happened she knows that it's going to go around.

Meaning that word would get to Jacob who would be heart broken.

"Ella tell us what's wrong?" Weslyn asked as Ella didn't reply.

"That's it" Savanna tackles Ella on the bed.

"Savanna get off!!" Ella says as Savanna doesn't listen to her.

"Okay ladies let's go" Auston barges into the room to see the two girls on top of each other.

"Woah" Auston says as William also comes into the room.

"Oh hello!" Will says as he gets his phone.

"Ella tell me what's wrong?" Savanna said ignoring the two boys who seem to be intrigued by this situation.

"I'm not saying anything" Ella says as Savanna pins her arms down.

"Guys are coming or what?" Mitch enters the room.

"Ah!" Ella says as she knocks Savanna over.

She stands up and fixes her hair.

"Aw come on Mitch" Auston and Will said.

"What?" Mitch asked the two confused on what he did.

"You ruined the girl on girl action" Auston said.

"Nice timing too, it was at the good part" Will said as Mitch rolls his eyes.

Mitch glances at Ella nervously as she does the same.

Savanna and Weslyn notice their best friends actions.

"Okay we should get going now!" Savanna says grabbing Ella's wrists and dragging her out the room.

"What was that?" Savanna whispered to Ella.

"What was what?" Ella asked.

"That look you gave Mitch?" Weslyn asked.

"You guys are so annoying" Ella rolled her eyes.

"Tell us Ella" Savanna says.

"You guys should learn how to stay away from people's personal lives" Ella truthfully says.

"Hey we are helping you!" Weslyn fights back.

"With what?? Being bitches!" Ella says surprising Savanna and Weslyn.

"You don't want our help fine!! You do don't deserve it with that attitude" Savanna says "In fact we're not even friends right now"

"Fine!" Ella says pissed at that fact they gave up that quickly

"Ella do-"

"Don't Ella me! I'm tired of you guys trying to get every living information about me. Well news flash this is my life not yours!" Ella snapped as she walked way from the two.


"OMG MITCH SCORED!!" Savanna and Weslyn celebrate as Ella just sits there on her phone.

Ella looked like she didn't care but in reality she did.

She was really proud of Mitch but didn't want to show it in front of Savanna and Weslyn.

Weslyn looked at Ella and noticed her showing no interest in the game.

"Hey look at her" Weslyn said to Savanna as she looked at her.

"Let her be like this, she deserves this" Savanna coldly says.

"I feel bad" Weslyn says.

"Hey she's acting like a bitch right now and no one wants to be friends with someone like that" Savanna says as Weslyn slaps her lightly.

"Hey she's our friend!" Weslyn reminds Savanna.

"She was our friend!" Savanna said sitting back down.

Ella heard every word of that conversation.

She felt tears form in her eyes.

She grabbed her bag, sat up from her seat and walked away.

Ella took an Uber back to her apartment.

She quickly locked herself in her room.

She couldn't handle this pressure anymore.

She feels like a horrible person right now.

Cheating on her boyfriend then treating her friends like that,

She doesn't deserve them,

Ella grabbed a luggage and stuffed all her belongings in it.

She picked up the Music Academy brochure.

"This is the right choice for me" Ella whispered to herself.

Ella wrote two notes, she left one on her bed.

Ella picked up her passport and started to head out the door.

Ella went next door to the boys apartment and slipped the second note through the door slot.

Ella started to tear up.

She wiped the tears away and began to make her way to the airport to start her new journey.

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