• real life •

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                November 22 2016

"Where are you going?" Jacob asked Ella as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"I'm going to the Leafs game with Sydney" Ella said.

"Okay just be safe" Jacob said knowing that she is going there to probably see Mitch.

"Are mad or something??" Ella realized the attitude in his voice.

"No i'm just wondering why you didn't ask me to come?? You know I love hockey and the Leafs are my favourite team, right?" Jacob asked the red haired girl.

"Well Sydney asked Mitch to ask me if I wanted to come. I was invited" Ella said.

"So you only accepted because it was Mitch?" Ella was shocked to hear what was coming out of Jacob's mouth.

"No" Ella said, this wasn't like Jacob at all.

"I'll see you later" Ella said before slamming the front door.

"Hey ready to go?" Mitch asked.

"Yup" Ella replied.

"I'm driving" William grabbed the car keys out of Mitch's hands.

"No I am!" Mitch said back as him and William walked ahead.

Ella turned around to see Auston reading a book.

"Hey aren't you coming?" Ella asked him.

"Yeah just one sec" Auston was too focused on his book.

Ella took Auston's book and looked at the cover.

"101 funny jokes" Ella gave Auston a "Are you serious" look.

"You guys say i'm not a funny guy and i'm about to prove you wrong" Auston took the book back.

"I have a joke. Why did the soda worker quit his job?" Auston asked.

"Because it was so-da pressing" Ella and Auston both said.

"I've head that joke before, try again" Ella walked away leaving Auston confused.


"GO LEAFS GO!!" Sydney and Ella yelled from their seats.

"Hey do you want a drink??" Sydney asked Ella as the 2nd period ended.

"Sure" Ella said taking a seat.

Ella scrolled through her phone for a bit before Sydney came back.

"Here's your beer" Sydney handed Elle her drink.

"Cheers!" They both said.

"So how's life?" Ella asked Sydney, it's been a while since they've talked.

"Well i'm doing fine! Matt and I are actually planning a get together very soon, want to come?" Sydney offered.

"Sure" Ella took a sip of her beer.

"Oh you can bring that boyfriend of yours" Sydney said.

"Oh him" Ella mumbled.

"That didn't sound good" Sydney noticed Ella emotions changing.

"It's just that we got into a fight earlier, he thinks I came here to see Mitch when I obviously came here to see the team play and you" Ella explained.

"So he's jealous, you should reassure him he has nothing to worry about" Sydney said as Ella agreed with him.

The game finished with the boys unfortunately losing.

The two girls walked down to the locker room.

"Hey thanks for inviting me to come" Ella thanked Sydney as she gave her a unreadable look.

"What do you mean? I didn't invite you" Sydney said leaving Ella confused.

"Didn't you tell Mitch to come to the game?" Ella asked.

"No I don't know what you're talking about" Sydney said as the boys came out.

"We will get them next time" Auston said as he, William and Mitch walked out.

Ella just looked at Mitch.

And then it occurred to her.

Mitch was the one that wanted her to come not Sydney.

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