08 | Bittersweet (Thoughts of You) ↠ B.I. ⋆ Lee Hi ⋆ Bobby ⋆ Jisoo

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✿ doesn't belong in any story because unfortunately, this idea is officially scrapped

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✿ doesn't belong in any story because unfortunately, this idea is officially scrapped

✿ this is a waste because i had like, 4 chapters for it ready to upload. but this was a story that would pull a lot of sad emotions on me and i hate the feeling. it's like dragging me down, like it did when i'm writing one missed call.

✿ slice of life/angst genre

✿ will focus on the four's internal struggles and problems

✿ it was supposed to be my entry to the contest i joined in asianfanfics (young blood) but ended up choosing one missed call plotline. it was also because i had a limited time to write bittersweet since it had four main characters.

warning: the following bullets will contain long boring paragraphs about the story's plotline so if you don't like boring paragraphs, kindly move along ;)

✿ i suspect that this would involve a lot of drama because the storyline is pretty complicated. bobby, jisoo, & hanbin are a tight group of friends but jisoo fell for hanbin and it put a strain in their trio. bobby, meanwhile, secretly in love with jisoo, would always be there for her whenever she needs to vent out her feelings about hanbin (friendzoned boi). hanbin knew about bobby's feelings for jisoo so he would distance himself away from her, which bobby didn't like because it hurt her more.

✿ hayi is a transferee in their school. her presence would complicate it more because hanbin likes her so much that he'd follow hayi anywhere she goes.

✿ hayi had her set of problems too. she is forced to take up engineering or medicine in college so she would always study, aiming for the top one in the whole school. hanbin's natural intelligence would put a wrench to that plan because even if he doesn't study much, he'd always get high to perfect scores, leading him to be the top one in the whole school. so it makes sense that she didn't like him that much because here she was, studying books until her eyes fall out but he could ace tests in a breeze without so much of an effort.

✿ there's a reason hanbin follows hayi too. he was bugging her to feature in one of his songs (he is a struggling producer starting in a young age—it's his passion) but hayi is afraid because singing is really her dream. hanbin heard her accidentally singing one time and it miffed hayi because only she knew that she could sing (she's a loner and always kept her guard up).

✿ in a sense, hanbin and hayi are the same. hanbin has rich parents and they want him to take business management in college to take over their company. hanbin, being naturally stubborn, objected to it and really wanted to pursue producing. in the end, they had a compromise: they'd let hanbin do everything he wants in high school but once he graduates and go into college, he'd forget his dream about being a producer.

✿ their fates are all intertwined somehow. hayi became bobby's tutor because he was struggling with his grades (it is a school extra-curricular—being a student tutor). hayi, wanting to earn as much points as possible, accepted being a school tutor. hayi always treated bobby cold but then again, she always treated everyone cold. then came the time that she became attracted to bobby (see where i'm going with this?) because of his ability to break her walls without effort.

✿ anyways, there'd be too much drama in it. jisoo would become like an antagonist because she'd be always beside hanbin, disrupting hanhi interactions. hayi would eventually come to a decision to cheat because she couldn't defeat hanbin (hanbin attempted to lower his scores to give way to hayi but hayi, being smart, noticed this immediately and ordered him to stop). her cheating would be discovered by the school so she had been given a disciplinary action or something, putting her graduation at risk. hayi's parents found out about this which led to hayi finally letting her frustrations out that she didn't really want to take up engineering or medicine because that wasn't what she wanted in the end. hanbin would then become hayi's shoulder to cry on. he'd always be there to comfort her because he understood too. this led them to grow closer until eventually, hayi would like him too.

✿ there came in more drama when jisoo accepted bobby's feelings because she wanted to forget about hanbin. it didn't work for her and bobby knew this because she'd always have her eyes set on hanbin. in short, bobby was the only one loving between the two of them. eventually, he grew tired of being jisoo's fall guy.

✿ jisoo and bobby broke up then. their trio friendship experienced something similar to a break-up too. they graduated, finally accepting the fact that their friendship is no more.

✿ well then, after a few years, everyone being successful with jobs and all (hayi finally achieved her dream of being a singer while hanbin ended up taking over his parents' company, but from time to time, he'd compose songs under an alias and let hayi be the singer—he'd always compose songs for her and her only. jisoo would take up something similar to fasion designing or owning a boutique while bobby works for hanbin's company. A few years after graduation, bobby and hanbin settled their differences and became the best of friends.)

✿ well then, high school reunion happened and of course jisoo and bobby will be there. for the sake of a happy ending, the both of them had a heart to heart conversation which led to them being quiet and look in each other's eyes. it was like unspoken words were exchanged between the two of them, with the mood saying, 'can we try again?' the story will end with their story having an open-ended ending.

✿ but really, if you ask me, i want it to be as realistic as possible by bobby, learning from his mistakes by loving himself, and ended up having a girlfriend, just not jisoo. while jisoo will learn that there is love that will not always have a happy ending.

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