Chapter two

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At first, Cassie only had 2 friends. There was Michelle and Jal. She had known chelle for years and Jal recently moved to their college. Cassie was pretty outgoing, but at the same time. She was as shy as a mouse.
She could hide it well.

Michelle had started seeing this boy called Tony. He was so self centred and obnoxious. But Cassie tried to see the best in everyone. So she pushed that aside and agreed to spend a Saturday with Michelle and Tony.

Tony brought none of his friends to meet them. it wasn't odd, as such. Maybe he actually saw that relationship going somewhere and he was waiting to introduce her properly. Which is a little sweet in a way.

She didn't have to be introduced to know who his friends were. Tony Stonem was
"the hottest boy in the school".
So everyone knew who he and his friends were. Cassie didn't agree with that statement. She had no attraction to Tony in anyway. Obviously that's a good thing since it was her best friends boyfriend. But she couldn't see what all the fuss was about.

They all went to a café and had breakfast together. Michelle had a egg and sausage sandwich and Tony had toast. He was a bit of a heath freak and wouldn't touch anything with grease. Cassie, of course. Didn't order anything.

"Cass, why didn't you order something?"

Michelle asked, confused.

"Ohh sorry chelle. My mum already cooked me breakfast before I left. I didn't have a chance to tell her I was going out for some. I'm so full."

Cassie giggled nervously.

She avoided eye contact with them. All she could think about was food, about how hungry She was. But she resisted. She could of just went up and ordered anything she wanted, but I guess you could say she had a strong willpower.

A willpower that , in time, would cause her to defeated the urge to eat completely.

There once was a girl who never ateWhere stories live. Discover now