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yes, it's been an entire year since i've started this book (my first book on wattpad). i'm so shook rn omg i've made it to 21k reads on 20 chapters whaaaaaaaaaat. i gained approx. 10k reads since the release of season two . . . . IT HASNT EVEN BEEN A MONTH! so, to celebrate the one year anniversary of this . . . . thing (?), i'd like to present to you all, the FINAL one shot ! this is really short and rushed, and it's not the best byler ending because it's nearly 11:00PM and I have school in the morning but try to enjoy it anyway haha


It's been nearly a year since I've returned from the upside down, and a lot has happened. For starters, I've been cooped up in my damn house for months because mom is scared that I'm going to break if I step an inch out of the house without her protection or Mike by my side. Apparently he's the only one that she trusts to 'monitor' me, says he's the only responsible friend I have. Now, I don't see Lucas and Dustin cutting class or vandalizing school property, but does she even know what Mike's been up to these days?

Ever since his girlfriend got lost it's been El this and El that 24/7. Lucas and Dustin claim that she's dead, I've never even met her-although from what I've heard in the news she's some sort of Russian spy, contrary to Mike's descriptions-, and Mike still has faith that she's out there somewhere. Maybe she's in the Upside Down, like I was. She's out of luck if she's trapped in there, that's for sure. After everything that I had seen, I know for a fact that nobody could survive that long in that . . . . that . . . . place.

"Hey freak," I heard a chuckling voice at the door frame. It scared me so much that I dropped my crayon box onto the ground, but I looked up anyway before worrying about the rainbow wax scattering across my floor. My brother stood in the doorframe with a smile on his face, and proceeded to walk over to me to rustle my hair. "One, don't touch my hair, and two, I'm not a freak."

He gave me sad eyes and smiled before snatching my drawing off of my lap. "We're all freaks Will. The only normal kids are the boring kids with nothing but self loathing," he told in a calm voice as he examined the semi-decent doodle. Another Will the Wise sketch, but with a companion.

"Who's the guy on the right?" Jonathan question and I was quick to snatch the paper back before shoving it into the book I was leaning on.

"N-nothing! I mean, no one," I chuckled sheepishly and held onto that book for dear life. This only caused Jonathan to grin even wider and poke at my sides. "Someone's got a crush, someone's got a crush!" he repeated like a child and prodded at my sides. I fumbled off of the bed and gave him a stern don't tell anyone look. Although he hadn't known who it was, he knew it was a boy, and he knew my sexuality.

"Jonathan, please don't tease me about it, I'm uncomfortable as is," I complained and sighed loudly before dropping back down onto the bed. I turned to face him and sighed again, this time more exaggerated. He just smiled and motioned toward the door.

"Mike's here if you want to go see him, I can tell him to leave if you're not feeling up to it though," he said as he hoisted himself up from the edge of my mattress. I suddenly grew flustered and butterflies started civil war in my stomach. "No, it's fine," and replied, smiled, and got up with Jonathan before following him out into the living room. There Mike stood in his blue jumper and a flattering pair of pants that made everything look extremely nice. Kind of like what all of the high school girls think of that new tough hot shot.

"Hey! How are you feeling Will the Wise," he inquired as he walked over to me and beamed a bright smile between our eye contact. I nearly melted, my legs feeling like jello and I was almost putty under his touch when he pulled me into a hug. My face never left it's newfound permanent grin as he both enveloped me and swiftly pulled away. "I'm doing well for an old cripple, how about you youngster?"

He only smiled in response and suddenly
became excited over something. I tried my hardest to pay attention to what he was saying but the only thing I could focus on was his facial expressions and inviting lips. If only it was okay, I would stop him mid sentence. I was slowly slipping into a daydream, and before I knew it Mike was shouting again and I was wiping any awkward drool from the corner of my lips.

By the time Mike had finished his unnecessarily long monologue I was still in that permanent grin and nodding like I had payed attention to anything he'd said. I guess it was obvious that I was zoning out when he flicked me in the shoulder and let out a soft sigh.

"Sorry! I'm just a bit tired is all," I lied, my face flustered and hands clammy. He plastered a classic Mike Wheeler smirk onto his lips and dragged me to my kitchen. I was confused at first but he pulled a two liter of soda and placed it onto the counter. Of course, he cares so much about those damn sugary drinks. The only thing I could do in the moment was roll my eyes, smile once more, and grab two cups from the cabinet. I, being the short human I am, climbed onto the countertop and opened the cabinet swiftly, too swiftly. I hit my face with the door and stumbled backward, nearly falling off of the counter. Nearly.

Mike turned around and caught me before I plummeted to the floor, possibly spraining something. I looked up at him with a sheepish smile, and he looked back down at me. Oh god, oh god. Why do I do this to myself?

I got knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the unsettling noise of a doorknob being twisted emit from the living space and the door creaked open. Mike didn't hear it, but I sure as hell did. He continued to look at me, and it was at this moment that I realized that he was still holding me, and that we were very close. The one weird thing was that he wasn't jerking away or trying to move, in fact, it looked like he was leaning in toward me, and all I could do was stare. He wasn't moving in very slow either, it was a moderate pace. Is this really happening with Mike Wheeler, best friend and current crush?

He was so close to kissing me and- THE DOOR- what the hell?

I was quickly thrown back into the freezer by a force so strong I thought my sweater was made out of magnets. I croaked and shuffled to sit up while Mike shouted to me, asking if I was okay. My vision was losing focus, but it eventually came back and I could only stare past Mike. He continued to speak to me while I sat in complete shock, stunned at the sight behind my best friend. Hand in the air, bloody nose, short hair, white Converse.

"Uh-eleven?" I asked calmly, and Mike froze entirely.

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