2. Dark Paradise

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A/N: Please add, vote, and tell me what you think in the comments! Enjoy :)

When Kaname had arrived on the scene it was to a near army full of dark figures swarming his inner circle and he scarcely recognized that Kiryu was in the swarm as well. Indeed, if not for Yuki sticking to the roof and the glint of Artemis Rod in the moonlight on the ground he would not have noticed the silver haired prefect was present.

It was only when the shades gave way and dispersed into the night that he could spot the ex-hunter and notice the scent of his blood clinging to the air.

The rod was hanging in his uninjured hand and he was near panting, his breaths shallow.

With a single look he sent the Nobles away, though they looked put out at the fact.

Yuki leapt off the roof's edge and landed with a heavy thump, her hand breaking her fall as she stood up and made her way over to her adopted brother, picking up his gun along the way and handing it back to him as she reached for her own weapon.

He watched the scene carefully though apparently not carefully enough as a spear made of the same shadows they had faced manifested a few yards away only to shoot through the air and pierce the level-D's torso, sending the silverette to his knees as Yuki released a scream.

Kiryu coughed and blood spattered the ground and Yuki's uniform, his dear girl stock still.

Kaname appeared next to the hunter in a heartbeat as the spear that had run him through dissolved, leaving a gaping hole in his abdomen, blood flooding out at an alarming rate.

It was clear that it was his vampire side that helped him cling to life past that and Kaname made quick work of pulling the other male's head to his own throat, commanding him to drink, even going so far as to use his pureblood call.

Yuki finally became active once more and pleaded with him to do so, but the silverette appeared too far gone to realize what was going on around him.

Kaname commanded him once more before slicing a claw down his neck to force his blood into Kiryu's mouth, but the ex-hunter didn't swallow, his eyes glazed, blinking hollowly.

The Kuran heir could hear the Headmaster approaching at a run, but he got the distinct feeling it was too late to do anything.

He released a growl- this would be a problem.

The prefect had been his Knight to protect Yuki in the war with Rido, but he couldn't very well do that if he was dead, could he?

He reined in his concern regarding his plans when he caught his unwitting sister's heartbroken features as the ex-hunters head fell back away from his throat, his body falling lax.

Yuki let loose her screams at her adopted brother and Kaname carefully placed the ex-hunter's failing body onto the grass, the dying male's head falling to the side, blood dripping from his mouth slowly as Kaname wrapped his arms around Yuki, covering her eyes as the silver haired prefect's body turned to ash, leaving only the trace of his blood clinging to their clothes as Cross slowed to a stop beside them.

He was distracted by Yuki's pain for the minutes that followed, almost missing the feeling of something awakening within him- something he could not recall, but that he was certain pertained to his life as the Ancestor.

The rest of the night passed in a haze and they found themselves in the Headmaster's office, Yuki's head pillowed in his lap.

He had knocked her out with a mere pinch and he was left alone with Cross, the old hunter steel-faced with pain glinting out from his normally bright eyes.

Missing (A Vampire Knight Fanfiction, KaZe)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz